1. | Front Matter Pages I - VIII |
2. | The effects of clinicopathological and imaging findings on recurrence and survival in mammary Paget’s disease Hakan Baysal, Cem Ilgin Erol, Begumhan Baysal, Ibrahim Ali Ozemir, Mehmet Sait Ozsoy, Fatih Buyuker, Gozde Kir, Orhan Alimoglu PMID: 37829736 PMCID: PMC10565753 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.77010 Pages 541 - 549 OBJECTIVE: Mammary Paget’s disease (MPD) is a rare presentation type of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinicopathological and imaging features affecting the invasive component, loco-regional recurrence, prognosis, and survival of MPD. METHODS: Patients who had undergone surgery due to MPD in a 10-year period were included. Parameters including mammography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, tumor stage, molecular subtype, axillary involvement, presence of invasive carcinoma, loco-regional recurrence, overall survival (OS), and disease-free survival (DFS) were recorded and statistically analyzed. P<0.05 was determined as statistically significant. RESULTS: The study group consisted of 49 women with a mean age of 67.05±14.43 (range: 23–90) years. There was a significant association between the presence of invasive carcinoma and a mass lesion in the MRI (p=0.002). The frequency of sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastasis was significantly higher in patients with multicentric tumors (p=0.029; p<0.05). Locoregional recurrence and distant metastasis were significantly more frequent in patients with axillary involvement (p=0.0336; p<0.05). The mean DFS was 115.02±7.28 months, while the mean OS was 119.29±6.57 months. CONCLUSION: The presence of a mass lesion on MRI was determined to be significant in recognizing invasive carcinoma in MPD. The rate of SLN metastasis was higher in patients with multicentric tumors than in patients with unifocal tumors. Axillary involvement was associated with impaired DFS. |
3. | Factor 5 and Factor 2 heterozygous positivity and complications in living donor liver transplant donors Ender Anilir, Alihan Oral, Tolga Sahin, Fatih Turker, Yildiray Yuzer, Yaman Tokat PMID: 37829741 PMCID: PMC10565751 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.49354 Pages 550 - 555 OBJECTIVE: Factor 2 and Factor 5 mutations are among the most common procoagulant genetic disorders and are routinely evaluated in donor preparation. Homozygous mutations are contraindicated for surgery, but heterozygous mutations cannot be said to be an impediment. We aimed to investigate the effect of heterozygous gene mutation of F2 and/or F5 on complications. METHODS: In our study, 210 living liver donors were examined. The available data of Factor 2 and 5 heterozygous positive donors were evaluated in terms of 21 donor patients and 30 liver recipients. The heterozygous positive group and the control group were statistically compared in terms of age, gender, length of hospital stay, post-operative deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, portal vein thrombosis, bile duct stenosis and bile leakage complications, lung infection and atelectasis, and wound infection. In addition, these patients were statistically compared in terms of laboratory tests. In addition, complications in recipients implanted with mutant grafts were evaluated statistically and numerically. RESULTS: Hospital staying was longer statistically in the donor group with heterozygous mutations than in the control group. Hemoglobin and albumin blood levels were lower (p=0.031, p=0.016); INR and ALT levels were higher (p=0.005, p=0.047) statistically in the control group than in the donor group with heterozygous mutations. There was no statistically significant difference between heterozygous mutant groups in terms of biliary tract complications and hepatic vessel thrombosis in recipients. CONCLUSION: Considering the longer hospital stay in the presence of these mutations, the increased need for treatment in this process and the close follow-up of liver functions should be considered. |
4. | Effectiveness of simultaneous umbilical hernia primary repair with laparoscopic cholecystectomy Ramazan Gundogdu, Serkan Erkan, Murat Kus, Huseyin Ozgur Aytac, Hakan Yabanoglu PMID: 37829743 PMCID: PMC10565757 doi: 10.14744/nci.2022.02700 Pages 556 - 559 OBJECTIVE: Umbilical hernia repair can be easily performed simultaneously with laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The use of mesh is recommended for hernias larger than 1 cm. In this study, patients with primary repair of umbilical hernia simultane-ously with laparoscopic cholecystectomy were evaluated. It aimed to present the effectiveness of this method and the effect of body mass index (BMI) on treatment results. METHODS: The records of patients who underwent primary repair of umbilical hernia simultaneously with laparoscopic cholecystectomy between 2014 and 2021 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients’ age, gender, BMI, length of hospital stay, recurrence and reoperation information, and follow-up times were analyzed. The patients were examined in three groups according to their BMI, and the effect of BMI on treatment was investigated. RESULTS: patients were included in the study. Median values of the patients for age, BMI, hospitalization, and follow-up were 63 (28–94), 31 (20–51) kg/m2, 1 (1–25) days, and 23 (0.6–76) months, respectively. Recurrence was detected in 8 patients. BMI was <25 in one patient with recurrence and >30 in 5 patients. There was no significant correlation between length of stay, number of relapse and reoperation, and BMI (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: In our study, the recurrence rate was found to be higher than the studies reported with the use of mesh, and most of the patients with recurrence are obese, although it is not statistically significant. If the recurrence rate is acceptable, we believe that repair with primary suture is feasible in umbilical hernia. |
5. | Investigation of cardiac adverse effects in COVID-19 ARDS patients treated with intravenous immunoglobulin Ayse Ayyildiz, Ozge Turgay Yildirim, Anil Ucan, Fatih Alper Ayyildiz, Fezan Mutlu PMID: 37829754 PMCID: PMC10565752 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.50336 Pages 560 - 566 OBJECTIVE: The popularity of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (CARDS) secondary to COVID-19 infection is increasing day by day. In this study, we aimed to retrospectively evaluate the possible cardiac effects in our CARDS patients treated with IVIG. METHODS: Demographic and clinical characteristics, mortality, sequential electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, cardiac markers, and other laboratory parameters of CARDS patients who received IVIG treatment were recorded. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 68.7±13.6%, and 70.5% were female. The mean number of days of hospi-talization in the intensive care unit was 18.2±9.7, and the mortality rate was recorded as 35.2%. No pathological rhythm or ischemic change was observed in sequential ECG follow-ups. However, in consecutive ECO follow-ups, the sPAP values at the treatment end were numerically lower, although not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that IVIG therapy may be used safely in COVID-19 patients with cardiovascular side effects. However, due to the high risk of coagulopathy in these patients, the use of IVIG therapy in COVID-19 infection should be monitored with close monitoring, as it may increase the potential for cardiovascular risk. Furthermore, monitoring cardiac parameters are also essential as it may predict high cardiovascular risk in patients. For this reason, patients need lower infusion rates, steroid combination, adequate hydration, and effective anticoagulation therapy to avoid these side effects. |
6. | Body fat percentage and infarct size in patients with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction Aylin Sungur, Mustafa Azmi Sungur, Baris Simsek, Ozan Tezen, Ahmet Cagdas Yumurtas, Duygu Inan, Duygu Genc, Fatma Can, Can Yucel Karabay PMID: 37829751 PMCID: PMC10565745 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.87259 Pages 567 - 574 OBJECTIVE: Obesity is a global health problem that increases the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). However in studies, it has been observed that when the disease develops, obese patients have a more favorable prognosis than leaner patients. This is called the “obesity paradox.” This study aims to evaluate the effect of obesity assessed with body fat percentage (BFP) and relative fat mass (RFM) besides body mass index (BMI) on infarct size (IS) estimated from peak creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) levels in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). METHODS: Patients with a diagnosis of NSTEMI who underwent coronary angiography between January 2017 and January 2022 were retrospectively evaluated. Patients without available anthropometric data to calculate BMI, BFP, and RFM and serial CK-MB measurements were excluded from the study. BMI was calculated using weight(kg)/(height[m])2 formula. Patients were dichotomized as obese (BMI≥30 kg/m2) and non-obese (BMI<30 kg/m2) to compare baseline characteristics. BFP and RFM were calculated from anthropometric data. Linear regression analysis was performed to define predictors of IS. RESULTS: Final study population consisted of 748 NSTEMI patients (mean age was 59.3±11.2 years, 76.3% were men, 36.1% of the patients were obese). Obese patients were more likely to be female, hypertensive, and diabetic. Smoking was less frequently observed in obese patients. Peak CK-MB levels were similar among groups. Obese patients had higher in-hospital left ventricular ejection fraction, and less severe CAD was observed in coronary angiographies of these patients. Multivariable regression analysis identified diabetes mellitus, systolic blood pressure, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, and BFP (β=-4.8, 95% CI=-8.7; -0.3, p=0.03) as independent predictors of IS. CONCLUSION: Higher BFP is associated with smaller IS in NSTEMI patients. These findings support the obesity paradox in this patient group, but further, randomized controlled studies are required. |
7. | Comparison of the effects of general and spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery on maternal and fetal outcomes: A retrospective analysis of data Mesure Gul Nihan Ozden, Senem Koruk, Zeynep Collak, Nur Panik PMID: 37829746 PMCID: PMC10565739 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.25593 Pages 575 - 582 OBJECTIVE: General or single-shut spinal anesthesia (SA) is applied for cesarean section and both methods of anesthesia have different effects on the mother and newborn. This retrospective study, in which 1-year data were analyzed, was aimed to examine the effects of general or SA on maternal and neonatal outcomes. METHODS: Anesthesia technique, mother’s age, gestational age, number of pregnancies, previous cesarean delivery number, maternal complications, and indications for cesarean delivery were analyzed in 883 cesarean deliveries. In addition, weight and Apgar scores of newborn and umbilical cord blood gas values were examined. RESULTS: Neonatal intensive care need was higher in the general anesthesia (GA) group, Apgar scores were higher in the SA group, but neonatal mortality was similar. The umbilical cord Ph and lactate were lower; PCO2 values were higher in the GA group. Neonatal weight, mother’s age, gestational age, and Apgar scores were predictive for neonatal mortality, but anesthesia technique was not. CONCLUSION: While umbilical cord blood gas values were less affected and the need for neonatal intensive care was lower with SA, we believe that both anesthesia methods can be used safely for mother and neonatal in cesarean anesthesia considering maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. |
8. | Expression of nectin-4 in prostate cancer Melike Ordu, Mustafa Karaaslan, Mehmet Emin Sirin, Mehmet Yilmaz PMID: 37829757 PMCID: PMC10565758 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.36034 Pages 583 - 588 OBJECTIVE: Nectin-4 is a transmembrane protein belonging to the nectin family of immunoglobulin-like molecules which is found in the placenta and trachea under physiological conditions and its expression has been shown in many cancer types. We aimed to investigate for the 1st time nectin-4 expression in human prostate cancer tissues. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the prostate pathology specimens of 82 patients who underwent initial transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy or transurethral prostate resection and were found to have atypical small acinar prolifera-tion (ASAP) and incidentally prostate cancer. Tissue samples with prostatic cancer were used as a control for alpha-methyla-cyl-CoA racemase (AMACR), and benign prostatic glands in the same tissue provided the negative control. The intensity and extent of nectin-4 expression were determined microscopically using the histochemical scoring system which was defined as the product of the staining intensity (score: 0–3) and percentage of stained cells (0–100) at a given intensity. RESULTS: We conducted immunohistochemical analysis of nectin-4 and AMACR expression in all 82 samples. While AMACR expression was positive in prostate cancer tissues with a GS of <7 (n=24, 100%), 7 (n=18, 100%), and ≥8 (n=15, 100%), it was negative in all ASAP samples (n=25, 100%) (p<0.001). Nectin-4 expression was not detected in any of the GS <7, GS 7, or GS ≥8 samples but was found in benign prostatic gland tissues and all 25 (100%) ASAP samples (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: We found that nectin-4 was not expressed in prostate cancer tissues but was expressed in ASAP-and benign prostate gland containing tissues. We believe that prospective studies with more patients and samples including radical prostatectomy materials will reveal the relationship between nectin-4 and prostate cancer more clearly. |
9. | Restrictive effects of thalasemia on respiratory functions: One centre experience Gizem Zengin Ersoy, Ercan Nain, Mehtap Ertekin, Ozlem Terzi, Ayse Senay Sasihuseyinoglu, Gurcan Dikme PMID: 37829756 PMCID: PMC10565749 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.65768 Pages 589 - 596 OBJECTIVE: Respiratory functions in thalassemia major (TM) patients concerning poor chelation are a frequently researched issue. Our study aims to evaluate the lung functions of our patients with TM in the chronic transfusion program and to correlate them with their age, ferritin levels, and pre-transfusion hemoglobin values. METHODS: Height, weight, pulmonary function test (PFT) results, pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels, and ferritin levels of 97 patients (55 boys and 42 girls) without any underlying cardiac or chronic respiratory disease were recorded. PFT is consisted of forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), the ratio of FEV1/FVC to peak expiratory flow (PEF), and forced mid-exhaled flow between 25% and 75% of mid-expiratory flow (MEF25-75). Data were analyzed with IBM SPSS V25. RESULTS: Low FVC was observed in 58 patients (60%), and low FEV1 was observed in 26 patients (27.6%). Low PEF was observed in 62 patients (64.5%), and low MEF25-75 was observed in 8 (8.3%). PFT was affected in 75 patients (78.1%). The pattern of involvement was restrictive. Age, height, and ferritin values significantly affected the MEF25-75 (p<0.05). Age and pre-transfusion hemoglobin values had a significant effect on the FVC test (p<0.05). There was a weak negative correlation between ferritin values and MEF25-75 (r=-0.221) and a weak positive correlation between pre-transfusion hemoglobin and FVC (r=0.222). CONCLUSION: Age and height are the main risk factors affecting FEV1, MEF25-75, and PEF. Serum ferritin has only an effect on MEF25-75 in our study. The respiratory functions of TM patients were affected in a restrictive pattern. |
10. | Clinical characteristics of mechanically ventilated children in pediatric intensive care unit: A single-center study Cansu Durak, Kubra Boydag Guvenc PMID: 37829748 PMCID: PMC10565742 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.90767 Pages 597 - 601 OBJECTIVE: Mechanical ventilation (MV) remains the most challenging and important issue in the field of pediatrics. It is a life-saving, invasive procedure that supports the cardiovascular and respiratory systems until the underlying disease is cured. The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic profile, clinical aspects, indications and complications of MV, and outcome of the children in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of a tertiary hospital in a developing country. METHODS: The demographic profile, clinical aspects, MV indications and complications, and outcomes of pediatric patients (0–18 years of age) who required MV in the Sancaktepe Sehit Prof. Dr. Ilhan Varank Training and Research Hospital PICU from February 2022 to January 2023 were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: A total of 139 patients were analyzed, of whom 79 (56.8%) were males. The median age was 36 months (1–214). Respiratory diseases (38.8%) were the most common indication for MV. We observed a 19.4% mortality rate with a statisti-cally significant association with sepsis (p=0.001). Compared to other diseases, a large number of sepsis patients were found to require a variety of critical care treatment modalities and prolonged respiratory support. CONCLUSION: Although MV is an indispensable treatment method in PICUs, it should not be forgotten that it carries the risk of morbidity and mortality in addition to the underlying disease. Therefore, the establishment of experienced teams in PICUs could make an important contribution to the prognosis of the patients. |
11. | Evaluation of the predictive value of total IgE and absolute eosinophil levels on allergy test positivity Neslihan Ozkul Saglam, Mehmet Yasar Ozkars, Ugur Altas, Zeynep Meva Altas PMID: 37829744 PMCID: PMC10565740 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.44827 Pages 602 - 608 OBJECTIVE: Atopic diseases are the most common chronic conditions in childhood. The best treatment for allergic disease is possible with early diagnosis. The purpose of the study was to assess the predictive value of total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosinophil levels for allergy test positivity in patients diagnosed with asthma, allergic rhinitis (AR), atopic dermatitis (AD), and food allergy (FA). METHODS: Pediatric patients between 0 and 18 years old diagnosed with asthma, AR, AD, and FA were included in the study. Demographic characteristics of the patients, total IgE, eosinophil (absolute and %) values, specific igE (SPIGE), and skin prick test (SPT) results were recorded. RESULTS: The data of 2665 patients were evaluated in the study. Of the patients, 58.6% were male, whereas 41.4% were female. The median age of the children was significantly higher both in SPT-positive and SPIGE-positive patients (p<0.001). If the criteria positivity is accepted as total IgE value is ≥104.5 (for AD: 86.5, asthma: 116.5, AR: 120.5, FA: 42.5) and absolute eosinophil ≥500 and/or eosinophil (%) ≥5%; test positivity was higher for each disease and all patients (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Total IgE and eosinophil levels can be used to identify atopy in patients with symptoms of AD, asthma, and AR. Total IgE and eosinophil values are suitable and easily obtainable parameters for better evaluation of health-care resources for the diagnosis and follow-up of atopic illnesses. |
12. | Evaluation of the triggers and the treatment models of anaphylaxis in pediatric patients Sevgi Sipahi Cimen, Ayse Suleyman, Esra Yucel, Nermin Guler, Zeynep Tamay PMID: 37829740 PMCID: PMC10565756 doi: 10.14744/nci.2022.68335 Pages 609 - 617 OBJECTIVE: Anaphylaxis is an acute, life-threatening systemic hypersensitivity reaction. We aimed to evaluate the demo-graphic and clinical characteristics of patients presenting with anaphylaxis, as well as triggers and risk factors, and to deter-mine the rate of adrenaline auto-injector (AAI) usage. METHODS: The study was planned in the pediatric allergy outpatient clinic over a 1-year period. The data of children diag-nosed with anaphylaxis were evaluated retrospectively; demographic characteristics, causes of anaphylaxis, and treatment modalities were recorded in the created study form. RESULTS: Eighty children (29 females) with a median age of 6.5 years (range: 1 month-17 years) were evaluated. The most common triggers were foods under 2 years of age (73%), and drugs (70%) above 2 years of age. Nearly half of the anaphylaxis episodes (n=41, 51.3%) occurred at home. Cutaneous and respiratory symptoms were the most commonly reported complaints (98.8%). The median age of the patients at the first attack with severe anaphylaxis (n=29, 36.3%) was significantly higher than the rest (p=0.007). The age at onset of the reaction (p: 0.006) and occurrence of the reaction in hospital conditions (p<0.001) were determined to be significant risk factors for severe anaphylaxis. Most of them received antihistamines (95.7%) and corticosteroids (91.3%), while 78.3% received adrenaline. Only 9.5% of patients with recurrent episodes of anaphylaxis used AAIs. CONCLUSION: Foods in infants and drugs in older children were the leading causative allergens of anaphylaxis. The most common clinical manifestations were respiratory and cutaneous symptoms. The older age at onset of the reaction and the occurrence of the reaction in hospital conditions were determined to be significant risk factors for severe anaphylaxis. It was determined that the frequency of AAI use was low among patients and their families. |
13. | Cost analysis of 25-hydroxy vitamin D tests in Turkiye with big data: A cross sectional study Mustafa Mahir Ulgu, Murat Caglayan, Naim Ata, Cigdem Sonmez, Mehmet Senes, Ozlem Gulbahar, Ataman Gonel, Suayip Birinci PMID: 37829737 PMCID: PMC10565744 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.42899 Pages 618 - 625 OBJECTIVE: The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in the population causes physicians to request more vitamin D tests and increases laboratory costs. It is aimed at investigating the demanded numbers and cost analyzes of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) tests with the big data obtained from the national information health system of the Turkish Ministry of Health. METHODS: Between 2017 and 2018, all inpatient and outpatient tests and 25(OH)D tests in all medical biochemistry laboratories in Turkiye were determined based on department and institution type. The cost amount, distribution among health institutions, and test request rates were calculated. In both years, the top ten most expensive tests, according to health institutions, were evaluated. RESULTS: The total number of medical biochemistry tests performed in 2017 and 2018 was 1.424.948.155 and 1.713.134.326, respectively. The number of 25 (OH)D tests analyzed in the same years was 8.698.393 and 13.919.127, respectively. When the data of the 2 years are compared, the consumption of 25 (OH)D tests increased by 37% in General hospital laboratories, whereas it increased by 115.09% in primary health laboratories. When all health institutions were evaluated, the increase rate in 25 (OH)D test demand was 60%, while the cost increase rate was 23%. CONCLUSION: This report showed that the demands for 25(OH)D testing are increasing steeply, especially in primary health-care facilities. In this direction, laboratory information system test demand restrictions in accordance with national and international guidelines are important issues for policymakers. |
14. | Hypertriglyceridemia and its impact on hematological indicators: A study based on Turkish national health database Suayip Birinci, Mustafa Mahir Ulgu, Murat Caglayan, Naim Ata PMID: 37829738 PMCID: PMC10565748 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.71235 Pages 626 - 630 OBJECTIVE: The hematocrit (Hct) to hemoglobin (Hb) ratio, generally at 3.0 in healthy individuals, can vary in certain disease states. An emerging area of interest is the potential influence of triglyceride concentrations on this ratio and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) levels. This study aimed to identify the changes in HbA1c and the Hct/Hb ratio as triglyceride concentration increases. METHODS: This research involved an extensive analysis of 35,656,613 laboratory samples taken between January 2015 and December 2022 in Türkiye, including the respective triglyceride, Hb, Hct, and HbA1c results. The laboratory test results were obtained from the national health database of the Turkish Ministry of Health. The triglyceride levels were divided into 24 groups, each incremented by 100 mg/dL from a range of 0–3099 mg/dL. Mean and standard deviation values of Hb and Hct were calculated for each group, and the Hct/Hb ratio was graphically represented. RESULTS: The average HbA1c values ranged between 4.37±0.85 and 7.76±3.19 across the groups, Hb averages ranged from 9.75±1.7 to 14.03±2.21, Hct averages from 27.35±4.97 to 38.86±5.66, and Hct/Hb ratios varied between 2.77 and 3.03. The overall average for all samples was identified as 5.15±0.13 for HbA1c, 38.48±5.13 for Hct, 12.73±1.65 for Hb, and 3.02 for the Hct/Hb ratio. CONCLUSION: It was observed that the Hct/Hb ratio gradually decreased as triglyceride levels increased. Evaluating anemia based on Hb concentration in individuals with hypertriglyceridemia might be misleading. It is recommended to use a correction factor based on triglyceride level. |
15. | Prevalence of appendicolith in children with acute appendicitis and its correlation with disease severity Cemil Oktay, Mehmet Goksu, Sibel Yavuz PMID: 37829752 PMCID: PMC10565747 doi: 10.14744/nci.2022.67984 Pages 631 - 635 OBJECTIVE: Appendicitis typically develops secondary to obstruction of appendiceal lumen and one of the causes of obstruction is appendicolith. Appendicolith has become a relevant issue due to heightened interest in the treatment of uncomplicated appendicitis with antibiotics. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of appendicolith in pediatric patients with appendicitis and to investigate the association between the presence of appendicoliths and radiological disease severity. METHODS: Patients under the age of 18 diagnosed with appendicitis between March 2021 and April 2022 and had available preoperative computed tomography (CT) images were identified retrospectively. The presence of an appendicolith and if present, its longest diameter in the axial plane, its visibility on direct radiographs, appendiceal diameter, degree of inflammation, and the presence of perforation were evaluated. Radiological severity of inflammation was rated on a 3-point scale. RESULTS: CT scans were available in 77 (32.1%) of 240 patients with histopathologically confirmed diagnosis of acute appendicitis. 39% (n=30) of the patients were girls and the median age was 13 years. The prevalence of appendicoliths detected on CT scans was 32.5% (n=25) and the median size of appendicoliths was 6 mm. In only 1 patient, appendicolith was detected by direct radiography. The median appendiceal diameter was significantly greater in the group with appendicoliths (10 mm vs. 8 mm; p=0.001). A moderate correlation was found between appendicolith size and appendiceal diameter (r=0.407, p=0.043). Perforation was present in 10.4% (n=8) of the patients with appendicitis and 25% (n=2) of them had appendicoliths. The presence of appendicoliths was not significantly associated with the occurrence of perforation (p=0.485). Periappendiceal inflammation scores were 1.52±0.74 in the group with appendicoliths and 1.42±0.63 in the group without appendicoliths (p=0.591). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of CT-detected appendicoliths was 32.5% in pediatric patients with appendicitis. Patients with appendicoliths showed higher inflammation scores and greater appendiceal diameter than those without appendicoliths. These factors may be associated with poor outcomes in patients with appendicoliths treated with antibiotics. Therefore, knowledge of the prevalence of appendicoliths and questioning their presence may guide clinicians when deciding on the suitability of nonoperative treatment in a patient diagnosed with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. |
16. | Differentiating renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma with volumetric MRI histogram analysis Ozlem Akinci, Furkan Turkoglu, Mustafa Orhan Nalbant, Ercan Inci PMID: 37829753 PMCID: PMC10565746 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.26122 Pages 636 - 641 OBJECTIVE: In this study, the utility of histogram parameters derived from diffusion-weighted imaging for differentiate renal cell carcinoma (RCC) from oncocytoma was investigated. METHODS: This research tracked 126 individuals who were diagnosed with RCC and oncocytoma through histopathological analysis, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessments from 2015 to 2023. We observed various attributes of these patients, including demographic details, surgical records, pre-surgery MRI results, MRI apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) histogram analysis, and post-surgery histopathological outcomes. Calculations of ADC measurements such as mean, minimum, and maximum in conjunction with the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th quantile points were made. In addition, we also noted the skewness, kurtosis, and variance of these data points. RESULTS: The focus group for this investigation consisted of 75 male and 51 female patients. Out of these, 82 were diagnosed with RCC and 44 with oncocytoma. All ADC parameters including ADCmin, ADCmedian, ADCmean, and ADCmax, including the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th quantile divisions among the oncocytoma cohort were observed to be higher than the corresponding ones in the RCC group. A statistically meaningful difference was discovered between the minimum ADC value along with the 5th ranking of ADC measurements (p<0.001), in addition to mean of ADC (p=0.050), and the 10th (p=0.002) and 25th (p=0.015) quantiles of ADC data. When considering the region below the curve (AUC) in ROC analysis, the value of ADCmin was recorded as 0.739, with a sensitivity of 75.0%, and specificity of 68.2%. CONCLUSION: To distinguish oncocytoma from RCC, it may be useful to conduct a whole-tumor histogram and textural analysis of ADC values. |
17. | Chronic fatigue syndrome in caregivers of children with cerebral palsy and affecting factors Tugce Pasin, Bilinc Dogruoz Karatekin, Ozge Pasin PMID: 37829755 PMCID: PMC10565759 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.53533 Pages 642 - 650 OBJECTIVE: In this study, the frequency of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), sleep disturbances, and quality of life levels in mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CP) was compared in relation to the functional status of the child. METHODS: The caregivers were evaluated with the sociodemographic data form, Chalder fatigue scale (ChFS), Fatigue Se-verity Scale (FSS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and Short Form-12, respectively. In addition, the functional status of the child with CP was evaluated with the gross motor function classification system, manual ability classification system (MACS), communication function classification system, and eating and drinking ability classification system. RESULTS: According to CDC-1994 criteria, 80.4% of the participating mothers have CFS (n=45). While the mean ChFS and FSS scores of housewives were found to be significantly higher than those of full-time workers (p=0.002; p=0.003, respectively), the mean SF-12 MCS was found to be significantly lower (p=0.007). The rate of housewives was found to be significantly higher in those diagnosed with CFS (p<0.001). The relationship between independent variables and dependent variables data sets as a result of canonical correlation analysis was obtained as 0.815. While the variable with the highest effect among the independent variables is the MACS variable, the variable with the highest percentage of explanation for the dependent variables is ChFS. CONCLUSION: The frequency of CFS is very high in mothers of children with CP, and the most important factors in the presence and severity of CFS are the mother’s occupational status and the child’s manual skills. |
18. | Cutaneous leishmaniasis of the eyelids: Retrospective evaluation of 18 patients Armagan Ozgur, Isa An PMID: 37829745 PMCID: PMC10565750 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.71205 Pages 651 - 656 OBJECTIVE: Although eyelid involvement is rare in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), it can cause severe ocular complications if the diagnosis is delayed and not treated. Our purpose in this study is to examine the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment methods as well as accompanying ocular complications in patients with CL diagnosis and eyelid involvement. METHODS: In this retrospective study, the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment methods of the disease as well as accompanying ocular complications were examined for 18 patients with CL diagnosis and eyelid involvement between May 2018 and October 2022 in our Dermatology and venereal diseases clinic. RESULTS: 10 (55%) of the patients were male and 8 (45%) were female. Unilateral lower eyelid involvement was most common (9 patients [50%]). Chalazion-like lesions (8 patients [45%]) were observed most commonly. All patients were diagnosed with CL by direct microscopic examination and were given systemic meglumine antimonate treatment. No ocular complications were observed in any of the patients. CONCLUSION: It should be kept in mind that eyelid involvement may occur in CL, and ophthalmological examinations of these cases should be performed and treatment should be initiated in the early period to prevent possible ocular complications. |
19. | Evaluation of the effect of unilateral and bilateral inferior oblique myectomy on fundus torsion in primary and secondary inferior oblique overaction Omer Faruk Yilmaz, Halit Oguz PMID: 37829742 PMCID: PMC10565743 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.74875 Pages 657 - 665 OBJECTIVE: This article evaluates the effects of unilateral and bilateral inferior oblique myectomy (IOM) on fundus torsion in primary and secondary inferior oblique overaction (IOOA). METHODS: This study analyzed 230 OCT images of 53 eyes of 32 patients who had undergone IOM by a single surgeon in the last two years. The disc-foveal angle (DFA) was calculated by digitally measuring the angle between the horizontal line passing through the geometric center of the optic disc and the curved line connecting the fovea to the geometric center of the optic disc. DFA was classified into intorsion, normal torsion, and extortion. The DFA was measured from the OCT images before the operation in the first week, first month, third month, and sixth month. RESULTS: When all the patients in our study were evaluated together, IOM statistically reduced the mean DFA in the third month (p=0.00). The DFA was higher in the secondary IOOA group than in the primary IOOA group (p=0.24). Bilateral IOM statistically significantly reduced DFA in the third month (p=0.00) and decreased the DFA difference between the two eyes in the third month (p=0.583). Unilateral IOM increased the DFA, rather than decreasing it, in the first week in operated eyes (p=0594) and increased the DFA difference between the two eyes after surgery (p=0.477). When we evaluated the localization of the macula as an intorsion, normal intorsion, or extortion, the extortion decreased from 36 to nine in the third month after bilateral IOM, and intorsion was seen in only two. Unilateral surgery did not significantly change fundus torsion in primary IOOA, and it caused intorsion in 3 of 6 (50%) operated eyes in secondary IOOA. CONCLUSION: Although unilateral IOM provides a clinical improvement in secondary IOOA, it increases the difference in DFA between both eyes and causes intorsion in 50% of patients. Masked IOOA was detected in 3 of 11 (27.3%) patients who underwent unilateral IOM. When deciding on unilateral surgery, the possibility of increased DFA difference between both eyes, intorsion in the operated eye, and masked IOOA in the other eye should be considered. |
20. | Ber-EP4 staining patterns on basal cell carcinomas Seyma Ozkanli PMID: 37829747 PMCID: PMC10565738 doi: 10.14744/nci.2022.25675 Pages 666 - 674 OBJECTIVE: This article aimed to study two different parameters of basal cell carcinoma (BCC): First, to analyze the expres-sion of antihuman epithelial antigen (Ber-EP4) on the primary and recurrent BCCs on the head, neck, and other body parts and second, to find Ber-EP4’s staining pattern and staining intensities correlation between histological type, demographic data, tumor, and its prognostic parameters. METHODS: We evaluated the Ber-EP4 staining patterns of 201 patients diagnosed with BCC. We analyzed the possible correlation between the tumor’s prognostic parameters and the Ber-EP4 staining intensity and its pattern (peripheral, superficial, or diffused). RESULTS: In 199 out of the 201 cases, staining was observed. Two cases were unstained. In 25.6% (n=51) of the cases with staining, the staining was weak, on the 25.6% (n=51), it was moderate, and on the 48.8% (n=97), it was severe. The staining pattern was 31.2% (n=62) peripheral, 4.0% (n=8) superficial, 54.7% (n=109) diffuse, and 10.1% (n=20) peripheral and superficial. CONCLUSION: Ber-EP4 is the only antibody commonly used for BCC diagnosis; the existence of different staining intensities and patterns in BCC tumor cells in routine dermatopathology practice limit the pathologists. The studies investigating Ber-EP4 staining in BCCs were conducted with very small numbers of cases. In these studies, even the presence of staining in the focal area was considered to be a positive acceptance criterion; the staining intensity and pattern were not evaluated. Therefore, our study is the first study with a high number of cases and the first to include an evaluation of Ber-EP4 staining’s intensity and localization. |
21. | Retrospective evaluation of adverse reactions after subcutaneous allergen-specific immunotherapy in children with house dust mite allergy Ugur Altas, Aysen Cetemen, Zeynep Meva Altas, Emre Akkelle, Mehmet Yasar Ozkars PMID: 37829749 PMCID: PMC10565755 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.78871 Pages 675 - 680 OBJECTIVE: Although it is accepted as an effective and safe treatment way, side effects can be observed as a result of subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT). In our study, it was aimed to evaluate the local and systemic reactions in children after SCIT and the factors that may be associated with these reactions. METHODS: Our study included 138 house dust mite allergic patients with asthma and/or allergic rhinitis who underwent SCIT in the Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Outpatient Clinic between November 2013 and April 2022. Sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory features, and development of adverse reactions after SCIT were analyzed from patient files. RESULTS: The median age of 138 patients was 9.0 years. About 56.5% (n=78) were male, 43.5% (n=60) were female. Of the patients, 55.1% (n=76) had asthma and allergic rhinitis. A total of 7366 SCIT injections were administered to all patients in our clinic. The total number of observed adverse reaction was 118. 50.7% of the patients (n=70) experienced at least one adverse reaction after SCIT. The rate of development of adverse reactions per injection was 1.6% (local: 1.0%, large local: 0.1%, systemic: 0.5%). CONCLUSION: Although serious systemic reactions and death were not observed in our patients; care should be taken in terms of the development of adverse reactions during SCIT in children. |
22. | Evaluation of the relation between HBA1C and MPV, PDW levels of patients with Type 2 diabetes admitted in internal medicine polyclinics Funda Aktas, Mehmet Burak Aktuglu PMID: 37829739 PMCID: PMC10565741 doi: 10.14744/nci.2023.01205 Pages 681 - 686 OBJECTIVE: Diabetes is a chronic, broad-spectrum metabolic disorder that requires continuous medical care, in which the organism cannot adequately benefit from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins due to insulin deficiency or defects in the effect of insulin. Vascular complications are considered to be the main cause of mortality in diabetic patients. Platelet activation plays a role in the development of vascular complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between HbA1c, which is the parameters that we can evaluate in primary healthcare institutions, and increased Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) levels, which are thought to be a platelet activation markers in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: In our study, the data for 600 patients who applied to Internal Medicine outpatient clinic of our hospital between January 01, 2022, and June 31, 2022, were obtained by examining their epicrisis through the hospital information management system. Six hundred patients, including 300 control group with HbA1c level below 6.5 and 100 patients each 7–8.5 8.5–10 and above 10, were included in the study. HbA1c, MPV, and PDW levels of the patients were recorded. RESULTS: Among 600 patients who applied to internal medicine polyclinics of our hospital between January 01, 2022, and June 31, 2022, 412 participants were female, while 188 participants were male. It was determined that the participants were 46.91±12.68 years old on average, the youngest participant was 18 years old and the oldest participant was 66 years old. It was determined that the mean HbA1c value of the participants participating in the study was 7.6±2.4, the lowest HbA1c value was 4.3, and the highest HbA1c value was 19.3. It was determined that the mean MPV value of the participants was 10.1±1.1, the lowest MPV value was 7.7, and the highest MPV value was 13.3. It was determined that the mean PDW value of the participants was 16.0±0.4, the lowest PDW value was 14.8, and the highest PDW value was 17.2. CONCLUSION: In this study, it was determined that MDV and PDW levels showed a statistically significant difference accord-ing to the HbA1c value ranges of the patient group. Accordingly, the MPV and PDW levels of the participants whose HbA1c value range is >10 are higher. It was observed that MPV and PDW levels increased as the HbA1c value range increased. |
23. | Demographic and clinical features of cutaneous malignant melanoma patients: A single center cohort study Yavuz Semiz, Ezgi Aktas, İlteris Oguz Topal PMID: 37829750 PMCID: PMC10565754 doi: 10.14744/nci.2022.57255 Pages 687 - 696 OBJECTIVE: There is a worldwide increase in the incidence of malignant melanoma (MM). Although it is a highly aggressive tumor and associated with high mortality and morbidity rates, it is highly curable if diagnosed early. Both genetic and environ-mental risk factors are associated with MM, which may show geographic variations. In this study we aimed to investigate the demographic and clinical features of cutaneous melanoma patients who are under follow-up in our department and whether there is an association between patients’ characteristics and disease features. METHODS: Thirty-four patients with cutaneous MM who were under follow-up in the dermatology outpatient clinic, and dermoscopy unit at our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. The patients’ demographic data and features related to MM were evaluated. RESULTS: Nineteen (55.9%) women and 15 (44.1%) men were enrolled in the study. When the patients were evaluated according to their Fitzpatrick skin types, type 2 was the most common in 21 (61.8%) of the patients, followed by type 3 in 9 (26.5%), and 1 in 4 (11.8%) patients. Twenty-two (64.7%) of the patients had a history of regular sun exposure. Twelve (35.3%) patients had a history of working outdoors. Sixteen of the patients (47.1%) had at least one sunburn history during childhood. The mean age at which patients were diagnosed with MM was 50.12±12.67 years. Age at diagnosis was found to be higher in those with actinic keratosis and those with solar lentigo (p=0.030, p=0.030; respectively). It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference in terms of localization according to the place of birth of the patients (p=0.007). CONCLUSION: We believe that defining the patients’ characteristics and developing follow-up strategies accordingly, will improve the treatment rates in melanoma. Dermatologists should schedule personalized follow-up programs for patients who have priorly defined and regional risk factors. |