ISSN: 2148-4902 | E-ISSN: 2536-4553
Northern Clinics of İstanbul - North Clin Istanb: 3 (3)
Volume: 3  Issue: 3 - 2016
1. Evaluation of GAD67 immunoreactivity in the region of substantia nigra pars reticulata in resistance to development of convulsive seizure in genetic absence epilepsy rats
Medine Gülçebi, Özlem Akman, Nihan Çarçak, Tuğba Karamahmutoğlu, Filiz Onat
PMID: 28275746  PMCID: PMC5336619  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.16056  Pages 161 - 167

2. Effect of HLA-DPA1 alleles on chronic hepatitis B prognosis and treatment response
Seyma Katrinli, Feruze Yilmaz Enc, Kamil Ozdil, Oguzhan Ozturk, Ilyas Tuncer, Gizem Dinler Doganay, Levent Doganay
PMID: 28275747  PMCID: PMC5336620  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.27870  Pages 168 - 174

3. Diagnostic value of sTREM-1 and procalcitonin levels in the early diagnosis of sepsis
Sebahat Aksaray, Pınar Alagoz, Asuman Inan, Simin Cevan, Asu Ozgultekin
PMID: 28275748  PMCID: PMC5336621  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.26023  Pages 175 - 182

4. Crohn’s disease in the elderly: Clinical presentation and manifestations from a tertiary referral center in Turkey
Fatih Saygılı, Saba Mukaddes Saygılı, Ilyas Tenlik, Mahmut Yuksel, Zeki Mesut Yalin Kilic, Yasemin Ozderin Ozin, Ertugrul Kayacetin
PMID: 28275749  PMCID: PMC5336622  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.35582  Pages 183 - 186

5. The Turkish adaptation of scale to measure patient perceptions of the quality of nursing care and related hospital services: A validity and reliability study
Besey Ören, Neriman Zengin, Nebahat Yıldız
PMID: 28275750  PMCID: PMC5336623  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.42650  Pages 187 - 193

6. The effect of myasthenia gravis as a prognostic factor in thymoma treatment
Bülent Aydemir
PMID: 28275751  PMCID: PMC5336624  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.60352  Pages 194 - 200

7. Normal range of BMD in proximal tibia as a different skeletal site at women
Mustafa Arif Aluclu, Fatih Bati, Ersoy Kekilli
PMID: 28275752  PMCID: PMC5336625  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.95866  Pages 201 - 208

8. Use of bladder volume measurement assessed with ultrasound to predict postoperative urinary retention
Nilgün Kavrut Öztürk, Ali Sait Kavaklıı
PMID: 28275753  PMCID: PMC5336626  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.03164  Pages 209 - 216

9. Analysis of cancer patients admitted to intensive care unit
Yakup Aksoy, Ayhan Kaydu, Ömer Fatih Şahin, Cem Kıvılcım Kaçar
PMID: 28275754  PMCID: PMC5336627  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.67699  Pages 217 - 221

10. Primary ovarian leiomyoma in a postmenopausal woman: A case report
Ilhan Şanverdi, Fisun Vural, Osman Temizkan, Orhan Temel, Habibe Ayvacı, Pembegül Güneş
PMID: 28275755  PMCID: PMC5336628  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.07379  Pages 222 - 224

11. Chylothorax due to tuberculosis lymphadenitis
Orkide Kutlu, Soner Demirbaş, Abdullah Sakin
PMID: 28275756  PMCID: PMC5336629  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.52714  Pages 225 - 228

12. Post-traumatic refractory multiple canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a case report
Mehmet Akif Dündar, Serhan Derin, Mitat Arıcıgil, Mehmet Akif Eryılmaz, Hamdi Arbağ
PMID: 28275757  PMCID: PMC5336630  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.36349  Pages 229 - 232

13. Pregabalin-induced hyperprolactinemia in a patient with fibromyalgia: A case report
Aslıhan Taraktaş, Nilgün Mesci, Gülcan Öztürk, Duygu Geler Külcü, Ece Aydoğ
PMID: 28275758  PMCID: PMC5336631  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.71501  Pages 233 - 236

14. A serious conundrum for surgeons: Stump appendicitis
Mehmet Fatih Ekici, Zülfü Bayhan, Sezgin Zeren, Bercis İmge Uçar, Mehmet Korkmaz, Ayşe Nur Değer
PMID: 28275759  PMCID: PMC5336632  doi: 10.14744/nci.2016.21043  Pages 237 - 239

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