1. | The hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera on ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats Müşerref Hilal Şehitoğlu, Ihsan Karaboga, Aslı Kiraz, Hasan Ali Kiraz PMID: 31650105 PMCID: PMC6790936 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.82957 Pages 203 - 209 INTRODUCTION: Aloe vera is known for its antioxidant properties. In this experimental study, we aimed to investigate the efficacy of Aloe vera in ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) liver injury in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar Albino rats were divided into three groups, where the sham group (n=7) underwent no medication or surgical procedures, the I/R group (n=7) was the control group that received 45 minutes of applied abdominal aorta ischemia and rats were sacrificed 24 hours after reperfusion, and the I/R+AV group (n=7) was the treatment group that was given Aloe vera (30 mg/kg) every day followed by gastric lavage for a month before applying ischemia and performing sacrifice as in the previous group. Before sacrifice, all the liver tissues were removed. Tissues were examined for histopathological investigation, iNOS immunoreactivity and tissue biochemistry, malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities. RESULTS: The SOD, CAT, and GSH-Px levels of the I/R+AV group were not significantly different from the sham group (p>0.05) but were significantly higher when compared to the I/R group. MDA levels of liver tissues were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the I/R+AV group as compared to the I/R group. Disrupted hepatic cords, sinusoidal dilatation, hemorrhage, cytoplasmic vacuolization of hepatocytes, and intensive iNOS immunoreactivity were detected in the I/R group. Decreased histopathological change score and iNOS immunoreactivity score were noticed in the I/R+AV group as compared to the I/R group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was found that Aloe vera showed a hepatoprotective effect against I/R injury. Further research is required to determine the effective dose, administration method, and effects of Aloe vera for liver transplantation. |
2. | The role of thiol levels in predicting contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention Ahmet Korkmaz, Burcu Özyazgan, Arzu Kösem, Ozgul Ucar Elalmis, Umit Guray, Mehmet Ileri, Salim Neselioglu, Ozcan Erel PMID: 31650106 PMCID: PMC6790934 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.72335 Pages 210 - 218 INTRODUCTION: Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a common complication of diagnostic or interventional procedures that may arise from administration of intravascular contrast media. Recent studies have reported the thiol-disulfide ratio as a novel oxidative stress marker. Therefore, we investigated the role of thiol levels in predicting CIN in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) who had undergone primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). METHODS: A total of 302 patients were enrolled in the study. CIN was defined as an increase in serum creatinine concentration ≥0.5 mg/dL compared with the admission value or a >25% relative rise during the first 48–72 hours after the procedure. To evaluate the relationship between thiol levels and CIN, the patients were divided into a CIN group and a non-CIN group. RESULTS: CIN occurred in 44 (15%) patients. Native thiol (274.8±84.7 μmol/L vs. 220.8±97.1 μmol/L, p=0.001) and total thiol (305.4±89.7 μmol/L vs. 260.1±102.1 μmol/L, p=0.009) levels were higher in patients within the non-CIN group. Disulfide (15.8±6.6 μmol/L vs. 19.6±8.4 μmol/L, p=0.002) levels, and mean disulfide/total thiol ratios (8.4±3.7 vs. 5.9±3.1, p=0.001) were higher in patients with CIN (+) group. In univariate analysis, the initial native thiol, total thiol, disulfide levels, and disulfide/total thiol ratio were found to have prognostic significance in the development of CIN. In the multivariate regression analysis, only the disulfide/total thiol ratio (OR=1.190; 95% CI: 1.090–1.300; p=0.001) was significantly and independently associated with CIN. The cutoff value of the disulfide/total thiol ratio to predict CIN on admission in patients with STEMI who underwent primary PCI was 7, with a sensitivity of 68.2% and a specificity of 79.8%. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that thiol/disulfide homeostasis could be a good biochemical risk marker for CIN in STEMI patients who underwent primary PCI. |
3. | Relationship between brain computed tomography findings and bispectral index score in patients presenting with head trauma Özlem Küsken, Tuba Cimill Ozturk, Aysel Hünük, Ebru Unal Akoglu, Rohat Ak, Cansu Arslan Turan, Ozge Ecmel Onur PMID: 31650107 PMCID: PMC6790924 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.89266 Pages 219 - 225 INTRODUCTION: Head trauma is one of the most important emergency health problems both in the world and in our country. The objective in our study is to (i) state the correlation between the findings of bispectral index score (BIS) and computed tomography (CT), which are used to evaluate the level of consciousness of patients with isolated head trauma, and (ii) investigate objective results about the patient’s level of consiousness/alertness according to the CT modality, which is used frequently. METHODS: This prospective study was carried out between 03.01.2014 and 09.01.2014 in the emergency department of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Education and Research Hospital. The average BIS scores were correlated with the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) point, the Canadian CT Head Rule major and minor criteria, and the pathologic findings in CT imaging. The patients’ demographic features, vital signs at admission, and arrival times at the hospital were investigated. RESULTS: In our study, 64 (31.7%) patients were female, and 138 (68.3%) patients were male. The mean BIS scores were 84.99±11.20 (86.05) and 93.78±3.80 (95.05) in patients with and without CT pathologies, respectively. The correlation between CT pathology and BIS scores was statistically significant: BIS scores were lower in patients with CT pathologies (p=0.001; p<0.01). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the BIS and GCS scores (45.6%) (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: We showed that most head traumas occur after dangerous accidents, and according to the results, we can predict that males are more frequently affected than females.There was a statistically significant positive correlation between BIS scores and GCS points. In our study, the BIS scores were statistically significantly lower in patients with CT pathology than in patients without. We can predict that if the BIS score of the patient is low, then there will be the presence of pathology on CT imaging. |
4. | The frequency of alopecia and quality of life in high-school students in rural areas (Sivrihisar, Mahmudiye, Alpu, and Beylikova) of Eskisehir Ozkan Ozay, Didem Arslantas, Alaettin Ünsal, Işıl Bulur PMID: 31650108 PMCID: PMC6790931 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.59365 Pages 226 - 235 INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to determine the incidence of alopecia and related factors and the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in high-school students in rural areas of Eskisehir. This was a cross-sectional study. METHODS: The study was performed between March 2, 2015 and April 30, 2015. A total of 1662 (74.9%) students were included in the study. The questionnaire performed for the purpose and consisted of four sections was filled out by the students themselves under supervision. The HRQoL was evaluated by Short Form—36 (SF-36). Students’ hair and scalps were examined by a dermatologist. The acquired data were analyzed by SPSS 20 statistical package program. Chi-square test, Mann–Whitney U test, and logistic regression analyses were used for statistical analyses. A p value ≤0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. RESULTS: In the present study, the incidence of alopecia was found to be 37.4% (n=622). Alopecia was more frequently seen in male students who have complaints about their scalps and those with a fatty scalp. In the study group, students with alopecia had poor HRQoL in general health perception, vitality, and mental health of SF-36. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: There is a need to provide early diagnosis and treatment to decrease the incidence of alopecia and to improve the quality of life. Health education studies must be performed to increase the awareness of students about alopecia. Integrating hair and scalp examination into school health screening studies, steering the students who have alopecia to the dermatologists, and suggesting students who have fatty scalp regular hair washing will be appropriate. |
5. | Echocardiographic assessment of children participating in regular sports training Şeyma Kayalı, Fatma Tuba Yıldırım PMID: 31650109 PMCID: PMC6790927 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.40360 Pages 236 - 241 INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of a well-controlled endurance training program on cardiac functions and structures in healthy children and to define whether training hours per week and type of sports affect the training-induced cardiovascular response. METHODS: Echocardiographic recordings were obtained in 126 children who systematically participated in sports training for at least 1 year (study group), and the results were compared with the values obtained in 62 normal children who did not actively engage in any sports activity (control group). The two groups were comparable for age, sex, and body mass index. Study group participants were divided into two groups according to the duration of physical activity (training hours per week, <8 h and >8 h) and five groups according to the cardiovascular demand of sports type. Clinical examination, resting electrocardiogram, two-dimensional, M-mode, and Doppler echocardiography were obtained in all participants. RESULTS: Left ventricle wall dimensions, left atrial diameters, and aortic measurements were significantly higher in the study group. The mean mitral E/A ratio was also significantly higher in the training group than in untrained subjects (p<0.001). Echocardiographic measurements were similar between different sports type participants in the study group. However, aortic root diameter, left atrial diameter, and left ventricle posterior wall diastolic thickness were higher in children training >8 h/week than in children training <8 h/week in the study group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The present study showed that the echocardiographic parameters of children participating in regular sports training activities statistically significantly exceeded the parameters of untrained controls. These parameters were mostly dependent on the duration of training hours per week. |
6. | Lipid profile, atherogenic indices, and their relationship with epicardial fat thickness and carotid intima–media thickness in celiac disease Zuhal Çalışkan, Kenan Demircioglu, Süleyman Sayar, Resul Kahraman, Ozge Caklili, Fatma Betül Özcan, Osman Köstek, Omer Faruk Baycan, Hamdi Levent Doganay, Mustafa Caliskan PMID: 31650110 PMCID: PMC6790920 doi: 10.14744/nci.2019.54936 Pages 242 - 247 INTRODUCTION: Aim: In this study we aimed to investigate presence of subclinical atherosclerosis with measuring epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid intima media thickness (c-IMT), to evaluate low level inflammation with hsCRP and to evaluate whether there is a relationship between lipid profile, atherogenic indices and hsCRP with these subclinical atherosclerosis markers in patients with celiac disease (CD). METHODS: After exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied, 31 patients with CD (24 female, mean age: 39.4±12.3 years) and 32 healthy controls (21 female, mean age: 39.5±4.4 years), totally 63 cases, were recruited. Subclinical atherosclerosis was evaluated with EFT by transthoracic echocardiography and cIMT by ultrasonography. Inflammatory markers including erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), hsCRP, and lipid profile were recorded. Also, atherogenic indices were calculated: Castelli risk index I and II (TG/HDL-c and LDL-c/HDL-c, respectively), atherogenic index of plasma (AIP; logarithm TG/HDL-c), non-HDL-c (TG-HDL-c), and atherogenic coefficient (AC; non-HDL-c/HDL-c). RESULTS: EFT was significantly higher in the CD group (0.49±0.10 vs. 0.49±0.09; p-value: 0.02). Although cIMT was higher in the patient group, it did not reach statistical significance (0.51±0.08, 0.47±0.08; p-value: 0.10). HDL cholesterol level was found to be significantly lower (42.0±8.8 vs. 50.0±13.7; p-value: 0.01), and the plasma atherogenic index was found to be significantly higher in the patient group (0.98±0.50 vs. 0.62±0.64; p-value: 0.02). hsCRP (3.51±3.18 vs. 1.92±1.40; p-value: 0.02) and ESR (17.2±12.8 with 9.7±3.1; p-value: 0.01) were found to be significantly higher in the CD group. Although there was a significant positive correlation between EFT and hsCRP (r: 0.453; p-value: 0.01), there was a significant negative correlation between cIMT and HDL-cholesterol (−0.339; p-value: 0.05), and a significant positive correlation with the other components of the atherogenic index was found. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The risk of atherosclerosis has been increased in patients with CD. Chronic inflammation may be responsible for this increase along with atherogenic indices. |
7. | Factors associated with diverticular bleeding and re-bleeding: A United States hospital study Ala Abdel Jalil, Robyn Gorski, Salah Abdel Jalil, Ryan Cronin, Michael Comianos, Moss Mann, Hari Rajagopalan, Asem Abdeljalil, Veysel Tahan PMID: 31650111 PMCID: PMC6790935 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.23540 Pages 248 - 253 INTRODUCTION: Diverticular bleeding is the most common cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Arteriovascular disease, metabolic syndromes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), anti-thrombotics, and anticoagulants have been suggested as risk factors. There is a paucity of studies addressing factors associated with diverticular re-bleeding, especially in the United States. The aim of this study is to evaluate factors associated with colonic diverticular bleeding and re-bleeding in a US community-based hospital. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective case-control study to analyze the factors associated with diverticular bleeding. Between January 2010 and July 2011, 93 patients were admitted to our hospital with a primary diagnosis of acute diverticular bleeding. We compared them to 152 patients who were admitted with a primary diagnosis of diverticulitis in the same period. We collected data from the medical records of each patient in relation to the demographics, comorbidities, medications, social habits, location of diverticulosis, length of stay in the hospital, and re-bleeding rate within 2 years of the first bleeding episode. RESULTS: Factors such as cerebrovascular accident (p=0.009), coronary artery disease (p=0.037), diabetes mellitus (p=0.046), obstructive sleep apnea (p=0.033), NSAIDs (p=0.038), use of anti-thrombotics (p=0.001), anticoagulants (p=0.002) or calcium channel blockers (p=0.009), and bilateral diverticulosis (p=0.001) were significantly associated with diverticular bleeding as compared to diverticulitis. Recurrence of bleeding was noted in 26 out of 93 patients (28%) within 2 years of the first bleeding episode (p=0.001). Bilateral colonic involvement, anticoagulants, and elderly age (≥65 years) were found to have a closer relationship to diverticular re-bleeding, although it was not statistically significant. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study reveals that arteriovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, NSAIDs, the use of anti-thrombotics, anticoagulants or calcium channel blockers, and obstructive sleep apnea are factors that are significantly associated with diverticular bleeding. It also shows that bilateral colonic involvement, elderly age, and anticoagulants have a closer relationship to diverticular re-bleeding. More prospective studies in patients with diverticular bleeding should be conducted to shed light on the causality of these factors and the prevalence of diverticulitis. |
8. | Nephrolithiasis in ankylosing spondylitis and its relationship with disease assessment scales Aylin Rezvani, Ilknur Aktas, Nurettin Tastekin, Reyhan Çeliker, Selda Sarıkaya, Erbil Dursun, Senay Ozdolap, Nigar Dursun, Coskun Zateri, Lale Altan, Murat Birtane, Kenan Akgun, Necdet Süt PMID: 31650112 PMCID: PMC6790921 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.58219 Pages 254 - 259 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of renal calculi in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and to determine its relationship with disease assessment variables. METHODS: The study was designed retrospectively, and it included a cohort of 320 patients with AS diagnosed using the Modified New York Criteria. A total of 119 patients who underwent renal ultrasonography (USG), in who the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, blood calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D, parathormone, and urinary calcium excretion were measured, and who also had lateral cervical and lumbar radiography in the same time period were extracted from the cohort. All patients’ demographic characteristics and the results of blood and urine tests were recorded. The Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), Ankylosing Spondylitis Mobility Index (BASMI), and Modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (mSASSS) were evaluated in all patients. RESULTS: Thirteen of the 119 patients had renal calculi confirmed by USG data. The frequency of nephrolithiasis detected by USG was 10.9% in patients with AS. The disease lasted significantly longer in patients with renal calculi ([nephrolithiasis (+): 18.39±8.72 years; nephrolithiasis (−): 12.02±8.43 years, p=0.01]). The BASMI total score was significantly higher in the group of patients with renal calculi. There was not any significant difference in terms of blood samples, HLA-B27, BASDAI, BASFI, and mSASSS between groups. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The frequency of renal stones is increased in patients with AS compared to healthy population. Especially patients who had AS for a long time and higher BASMI values are more susceptible to renal calculi. It is important to point out that the results of this type of studies would be more reliable if the study is conducted on large patient groups and population-based prevalence. |
9. | Investigation of C5–C6 radiculopathy and shoulder rotator cuff lesions coexistence frequency Çiğdem Arifoğlu Karaman, Bengi Oz, Aylin Sari PMID: 31650113 PMCID: PMC6790919 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.04796 Pages 260 - 266 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the coexistence of C5 and/or C6 root compression with rotator cuff pathologies and its effect on pain and disability. METHODS: A total of 65 patients with pain radiating from neck to shoulder were retrospectively evaluated on the basis of demographic data, duration of symptoms, overhead activities, and physical examination. The visual numerical scale (VNS), Quick DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand), and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) were also used. Cervical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to evaluate C5–C6 root compression, which was separated into two groups as patients with or without upper trunk root compression (UTRC). These groups were compared according to the MRI findings of patients with rotator cuff pathologies. RESULTS: According to our results, C5 root compression (12.3%), C6 root compression (41.5%), UTRC (44.6%) were detected. There was no difference between the groups regarding the Hawkins and Neer tests. The Yergason and Jobe tests were statistically higher in patients without UTRC. In the shoulder MRIs, the rate of subscapular muscle tear was significantly higher in patients with UTRC. Other shoulder MRI findings were not different between the groups. VNS-neck and SPADI-pain scores were significantly higher in patients without UTRC. There was no difference between the groups in the scores of VNS-shoulder, Quick DASH, SPADI-disability, and SPADI-total. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Radiating pain from neck to shoulder that is caused by C5–C6 root compression does not create a predisposition for clinical, radiologic, and functional pathologies in shoulder joint. It seems difficult to diagnose the exact origin of pain in patients who present with neck pain radiating to shoulder based on the findings of cervical or shoulder MRI alone. |
10. | The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and its relationship with perinatal outcomes in pregnant women in the third trimester Hatice Dülek, Fisun Vural, Nurettin Aka, Sergul Zengin PMID: 31650114 PMCID: PMC6790929 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.51422 Pages 267 - 272 INTRODUCTION: In this study, we aimed to investigate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in pregnant women in their third trimester and assess its relationship with perinatal outcomes. METHODS: A total of 796 women who delivered babies at the Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital between January 2014 and January 2015 were evaluated retrospectively. Women with complete data and relevant results from thyroid functions tests were included in the study (n=573). Serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (T4) were studied for all patients. Patients were classified according to thyroid function test results as having hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or euthyroid state. The perinatal outcomes (Apgar score, birth type and birth weight) were compared. RESULTS: A total of 86.7% of pregnant woman (492/573) showed normal thyroid function tests. Out of the remaining participants,0.5% had hypothyroidism, 8.9% had subclinical hypothyroidism, and 2.8% had hyperthyroidism. TSH levels correlated with maternal age. The perinatal outcomes were insignificant between groups. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction was 13.2% in our population. Subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism had no adverse effects on birth weight, cesarean section rates, and Apgar scores. |
11. | How successful is “pleural sound sign” in the identification of pneumothorax? Saniye Göknil Çalık, Mustafa Çalık, Sadık A. Girişgin, Osman Karaoğlan, Zerrin Defne Dündar, Mehmet Ergin PMID: 31650115 PMCID: PMC6790932 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.46548 Pages 273 - 278 INTRODUCTION: In the present study, in thorax ultrasonography (USG) Doppler images obtained from cases with occult pneumothorax, we investigated the status of pulsatile pleural sounds over the pleural line and called these as the pleural sound sign (PSS). The purpose of the present study was to identify the efficacy of the proposed PSS in diagnosing pneumothorax and to compare it with the other USG findings including the sliding lung sign (SLS) and seashore sign (SSS). METHODS: The present study included 66 consecutive patients who were referred to the emergency unit with a blunt trauma from October 2009 to January 2010 at a tertiary university hospital. RESULTS: Of the 66 patients, 34 were in the patient group, and 32 were in the control group. Males accounted for 66.7% (n=44) of the study population. In predicting pneumothorax, the areas under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of PSSmax and PSSdifference were 0.989 and 0.990, respectively. While the sensitivity of the SLS was 88% and the sensitivity of the SSS was 56%, the specificities of the SLS and SSS were 100%. Based on our findings, accuracy ranking was as follows: PSSmax = PSSdifference > SLS > SSS. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: New applications of thorax USG are rapidly growing. Our findings have to be confirmed in a large patient series. PSS is not a novel method, but it enhanced the importance of USG in the diagnosis of pneumothorax. We can stipulate that it can replace thorax computed tomography imaging particularly for the diagnosis of occult pneumothoraxes. |
12. | Comparison of intraoperative ultrasonography guidance with an open surgical method for venous port catheter placement in chemotherapy Ozan Onur Balkanay, Süleyman Demiryas PMID: 31650116 PMCID: PMC6790930 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.76992 Pages 279 - 283 INTRODUCTION: One of the leading venous access methods in chemotherapy is the use of a venous port catheter (VPC). An open surgical or ultrasound-guided technique can be performed. In our study, the VPC placement via both of these techniques was compared. METHODS: A total of 180 consecutive patients who underwent the VPC placement procedure either via the open or ultrasound-guided methods in two centers between January 2014 and January 2016 were included in the study. Patients’ data were reviewed retrospectively. Groups were compared in terms of intervention-related complication rates, a total procedure time, and the requirement of control imaging with ionizing radiation. RESULTS: The mean total procedure time was significantly shorter (19.5±4.6 min, 46.7±19.6 min, p<0.001) in the ultrasound-guided group than the open method. The rate of catheter malposition was significantly less in the ultrasound-guided group than in the open group (p<0.001). The need for per-operative imaging with ionizing radiation and the need of reversion in the preferred technique were not observed in the ultrasound-guided group, whereas in the open group, they were observed in 90 (100%) and 6 (6.7%) patients, respectively (p<0.001, p=0.01). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Intraoperative ultrasound guidance for the VPC placement shortens the processing time and eliminates the need for routine imaging methods that require the use of ionizing radiation. In accordance with the current guidelines recommendations, intraoperative ultrasonography should be preferred as much as possible during the VPC placement. However, the need for the surgical teams in centers to maintain the necessary educational processes for both techniques should not be overlooked. |
13. | Otorhinolaryngological symptoms among smokeless tobacco (Maras powder) users Saime Sağıroğlu, Ayşegül Erdoğan, Adem Doğaner, Ramazan Azim Okyay PMID: 31650117 PMCID: PMC6790918 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.50024 Pages 284 - 292 INTRODUCTION: This study aims to investigate the relationship between smokeless tobacco (maras powder) consumption and otorhinolaryngological symptoms. METHODS: This descriptive study was carried out on 599 participants. The participants were divided into two groups. Of these, 299 (49.9%) patients aged over 18 years were the first group; they used smokeless tobacco for at least 5 years. The remaining patients comprised the second group, which included 300 (50.1%) healthy volunteers who did not use tobacco or its products and demonstrated some similarities with the first group. For the purpose of data collection, a questionnaire consisting of 45 questions was administered to the participants. RESULTS: Cough, sputum, shortness of breath, dysphagia, snoring, and apnea-hypopnea were found to be significantly increased in smokeless tobacco users. The highest odds ratio (OR) found was for sputum at 2.615. Similarly, other oral cavity symptoms such as mouth tickling, dryness of throat, mouth sores, halitosis, taste disorders, and toothache were found to be significantly increased in smokeless tobacco users. It is noteworthy that halitosis was 9.4 times more prevalent among smokeless tobacco users than in the non-tobacco users. Sinonasal symptoms such as sneezing, headache, facial fullness, and anorexia were found to be significantly increased in smokeless tobacco users. However, there were no differences between the groups in terms of ear symptoms. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that the negative effects of smokeless tobacco consumption were particularly higher in the oral cavity, which in turn gave rise to a number of serious upper respiratory tract complaints. |
14. | Evaluation of the predictive power of laboratory markers in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in the elderly Savaş Bayrak, Cihad Tatar, Ekrem Çakar, Sukru Colak, Mehmet Emin Gunes, Kemal Tekeşin, Bünyamin Gürbulak, Erdem Kinaci, Mert Mahsuni Sevinc PMID: 31650118 PMCID: PMC6790928 doi: 10.14744/nci.2019.93457 Pages 293 - 301 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to analyze the predictive value of preoperative laboratory findings in acute appendicitis in geriatric patients aged >65 years. METHODS: We enrolled a total of 4121 patients. A retrospective evaluation of the demographic features was made using preoperative laboratory values such as the white blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts; platelet counts; the mean platelet volume and bilirubin values; and postoperative pathological data of the patients from the electronic file system. The neutrophil-to-WBC and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios were calculated. Patients were divided into two groups, as geriatric (≥65 years old, n=140) and non-geriatric (<65 years old, n=3981). RESULTS: The white blood cell and lymphocyte counts, and the neutrophil-to-WBC ratio, were significantly higher in the non-geriatric group (p<0.001, p=0.013, and p=0.021, respectively). The neutrophil and platelet counts were higher in the non-geriatric group, but this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.073 and p=0.072, respectively). A higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was determined in the geriatric group, but the difference was not significant (p=0.176). According to the optimumal cutoff value of 12.11×103/µL for WBC, specificity and sensitivity values of 65.4% and 57.9% were calculated, respectively; the AUC value was 0.632±0.024 (p<0.001). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to calculate the optimum cutoff values of neutrophil-to-WBC ratio, lymphocyte, and the mean platelet volume, but the diagnostic accuracy of these tests was inadequate with an AUC of <0.6. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: WBC values >12.11×103/µL were predictive of acute appendicitis in geriatric patients. The other parameters were not predictive, and further studies are required. |
15. | Ascariasis-associated perforated appendicitis: Computed tomography findings Serdar Aslan, Mehmet Selim Nural PMID: 31650119 PMCID: PMC6790917 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.25991 Pages 302 - 303 Abstract | |
16. | Unusual combined cause of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: Hyponatremia and seizure Ersin Çağrı Şimşek, Sadık Volkan Emren, Öner Özdoğan PMID: 31650120 PMCID: PMC6790925 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.65148 Pages 304 - 307 Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is characterized by transient systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle and changes of electrocardiographic or cardiac markers, resembling an acute coronary syndrome. Although the etiology of TTC is still unknown, a wide variability in the psychological and physical triggers for TTC is present. In this article, we describe the case of 69-year-old female with a history of epilepsy and who presented in the emergency room with a new-onset generalized tonic–clonic seizure activity. After finding out that her biochemistry results indicated severe hyponatremia, a diagnosis of TTC was established through echocardiography and angiography. |
17. | 46 XX male syndrome with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: A case report Mehmet M Yalçın, Çiğdem Özkan, Müjde Aktürk, Ferda Perçin, Alev Eroğlu Altınova, Ayhan Karakoç, Göksun Ayvaz, Nuri Çakır PMID: 31650121 PMCID: PMC6790926 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.57625 Pages 308 - 311 We report a 46 XX male syndrome diagnosed after failure of gonadotropin therapy taken for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to a pituitary macroadenoma. A 39-year-old man with a non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma was admitted to our clinic due to vision loss and infertility. After pituitary surgery, vision loss improved while infertility still existed. Low testosterone levels without elevated gonadotropins were established suggesting hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to pituitary adenoma. Gonadotropin treatment was initiated. There was no response to treatment after 12 months. A karyotype analysis was ordered to investigate other causes of infertility. Karyotype analysis showed a 46 XX male syndrome that can explain the failure of gonadotropin therapy. Testosterone therapy was started instead of gonadotropin therapy. 46 XX male syndrome usually presents with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. However, in our case, it presented with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to pituitary mass not responding to gonadotropin therapy. It is important to keep in mind to obtain a genetic analysis of patients whose gonadotropin therapy failed, even if their gonadotropin levels are not elevated. |
18. | Subperiosteal hemorrhage due to a distal femoral physeal fracture in a neonate Mesut Öztürk, Alparslan Yurtbay, Davut Keskin, Ahmet Veysel Polat, Mustafa Bekir Selçuk PMID: 31650122 PMCID: PMC6790922 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.26566 Pages 312 - 314 Femoral physeal fractures have been rarely reported as a birth-related injury. As the plain radiograph findings are variable, the diagnosis may be challenging. In this case report, we describe a male neonate presenting with periosteal elevation at the left distal femur. A radiological evaluation demonstrated posteromedial displacement of the distal femoral epiphysis. The final diagnosis was subperiosteal hemorrhage due to a distal femoral physeal fracture. |
19. | Lansoprazole as an uncommon cause of anaphylaxis: What to give next? Attila Aydın, Sedat Bilge, Tolga Düzenli, Harun Aslan, Güçlü Aydın PMID: 31650123 PMCID: PMC6790933 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.36539 Pages 315 - 316 Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the most prescribed drugs worldwide. Anaphylactic reactions of PPIs are rare; however, several cases have been reported. Here, we report a rare case of anaphylaxis that occurred immediately following lansoprazole intake. Following the successful management in the emergency department, skin prick and oral controlled challenge tests were performed to evaluate cross-reactivity. Thereafter, lansoprazole was switched to pantoprazole, which was well tolerated. Skin prick and oral controlled challenge tests can be performed for determining the cross-reactivity of PPIs to prevent adverse reactions. |
20. | History of establishment and evaluation of Ottoman-Turkish urology inside the surgical science Ayhan Verit, Ahmet Ürkmez, Sedat Tellaloğlu PMID: 31650124 PMCID: PMC6790923 doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.52296 Pages 317 - 319 The first urological international organization occurred in Paris in 1908, and three Ottoman urologists were present among a total of 29. In that year, the Ottoman Urological society had only nine urologists, and almost all were from the Ottoman minorities with the exception of two under the main branch of General Surgery. Among them, Cemil Pasha who was the first dean and department chief of Surgery and Urology of the Medical School in a modern manner (1909) was the most dominant pioneer of the Turkish Surgery-Urology. Four beds out of 20 were separated for the urology clinic. |