ISSN: 2148-4902 | E-ISSN: 2536-4553
Northern Clinics of İstanbul - North Clin Istanb: 2 (2)
Volume: 2  Issue: 2 - 2015
1. Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio in obese adolescents
Murat Aydın, Ahsen Yılmaz, Mustafa Metin Donma, Feti Tulubas, Muhammed Demirkol, Murat Erdoğan, Ahmet Gürel
PMID: 28058347  PMCID: PMC5175101  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.25238  Pages 87 - 91
OBJECTIVE: Obesity is a growing health problem in most of the developed countries. It is associated with many chronic diseases, affecting particularly endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Inflammation plays a key role in pathophysiology of obesity. In this study, we aimed to investigate the inflammation status in obese children using Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio.
METHODS: In this study 130 obese and 57 healthy children were assessed retrospectively. According to Centers for Disease Control 2000 (CDC) BMI percentiles for childhood and adulthood, 85-95 percentile was considered as overweight and > 95 percentile as obese.
RESULTS: Lymphocyte/Neutrophil ratio in the obese group were significantly higher compared to those in healthy controls [p=0.03 and p=0.045, respectively]. Neutrophil / Lymphocyte ratio and CRP level in the obese group were significantly higher compared to those in healthy controls [p=0.02 and p=0.00, respectively]. Thrombocyte /Lymphocyte ratio were not significantly different between two groups (p=0.156).
CONCLUSION: It is possible that childhood obesity which has been increasing recently triggers the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis during the early years of life. Increased Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio might be associated with the severity of inflammation which plays a role in the early stages of atherosclerosis. Therefore, taking childhood obesity under control using diet and other treatment methods will prevent mortality and morbidity in the elderly.

2. A Prospective Study To Assess The Clinical Impact of Interobserver Reliability of Sonographic Fetal Nuchal Translucency and Crown-Rump Length on Combined First-Trimester Screening
Hüseyin Aksoy, Sezin Özyurt, Ülkü Aksoy, Erol Mutlu, Şadan Tutuş, Mustafa Alparslan Babayiğit, Gökhan Açmaz, Özge İdem Karadağ, Burak Yücel
PMID: 28058348  PMCID: PMC5175102  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.08370  Pages 92 - 100
OBJECTIVE: To examine the interobserver variability for fetal biometry parameters and to focus on how this variability affects the combined first-trimester screening test results.
METHODS: Sixty-four singelton pregnancies who were scheduled for combined first-trimester screening were investigated. Two experienced sonographers performed all examinations at the same visit. The risk calculations of screening were performed according to the each operator's ultrasonographic fetal measurements separately. Interobserver variability in measurements of fetal nuchal translucency (NT) and crown-rump length (CRL) and the effect of this interobserver variability on the screening results were assessed.
RESULTS: Interobserver reliability for NT and CRL 0.687 and 0.945 (p<0.001), respectively. Interobserver reliability coefficients for Trisomy 21 and Trisomy 13/18 were 0.945 and 0.963 (p<0.001), respectively.
CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated quite high interobserver reliability for CRL measurement, while interobserver agreement for NT was lower. Despite this lower reliability and agreement for NT measurement, interobserver reliability for chromosomal abnormalities was quite high.

3. Analysis of surgically treated gastric cancers: A tertiary hospital experience in Turkey
Orhan Alimoğlu, Abdullah Şişik, Tunç Eren, Suat Aktaş, Fatih Başak, Metin Leblebici, Gürhan Baş
PMID: 28058349  PMCID: PMC5175086  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.48569  Pages 101 - 106
INTRODUCTION: Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common cancer worldwide, and in Turkey, GC is placed in the 10 most common cancers. However, analyzing the epidemiology of cancers and improving screening programs for cancers are not still prior subjects for healthcare professionals. This study aims to show the stage distribution of GC in a tertiary hospital of Istanbul, Turkey.
METHODS: All surgically treated GC cases in the General Surgery Department, between January 2009 and January 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. Data including the operation year, the demographic, clinical and histopathological parameters were recorded and statistically analyzed.
RESULTS: The study group consisted of 111 patients. 74 (66.66%) patients were men, and 37 (33.33%) patients were women with a mean age of 63.49±11.83. Stage 3 and 4 were the most determined stages with 62 and 18 cases, respectively. Stage 3 was the most common stage in all years (p<0.05). GC location analysis showed less cardia location than non-cardia with 31 and 75 patients. Non-cardia was the most common location in all 5 years (p<0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Turkish population has advanced staged GC disease generally. New strategies are needed for early diagnosis and better outcomes.

4. Upper respiratory tract infections evaluation of prescriptions
Serdar Özdemir, Tuba Cimilli Öztürk, Yasin Metiner, Rohat Ak, Oktay Öcal
PMID: 28058350  PMCID: PMC5175087  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.69885  Pages 107 - 114
INTRODUCTION: OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine frequency of antibiotic use and retrospectively evaluation of prescriptions to diagnosis of acute pharyngitis, acute nasopharyngitis and acute tonsillitis which prescriped by our hospital emergency department physicians in January 2014.
METHODS: Records of patients who admitted to education and research hospital between 1 January to 31 January 2014 were analyzed in this study. Record of all patients with the diagnosis of acute nasopharyngitis (J.00), acute pharyngitis (J.02) and acute tonsillitis (J.03) were included and patients have a second diagnosis or haven’t any prescription were excluded. Frequency of antibiotics and other symptomatic medications use were analyzed in 5261 prescriptions.
RESULTS: Antibiotics prescribed rate was %63.5 and most preferred antibiotics were penicilin and beta-lactamase combination (%38.8) and cephalosporins (%26.2) in these 5261 prescriptions. Combine preparations were the most preferred in symptomatic medications (%65.9). Dexketoprofen was the most preferred in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (%63). The number of drugs per prescription was found 3,26.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: CONCLUSION: Excessive and improrer use of antibiotics in the treatment of respiratuary ract infection is a global problem. The use of excess agents in symptomatic medication leads to polypharmacy. With regard to principles of rational drug use to educate doctors and patients will contribute to the solution of this problem.

5. Comparison of Subgaleal and Subdural Closed Drainage System in Surgical Treatment of Chronic Subdural Hematoma
Şükrü Oral, Resul Emin Börklü, Ahmet Küçük, Halil Ulutabanca, Ahmet Selçuklu
PMID: 28058351  PMCID: PMC5175088  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.06977  Pages 115 - 121
OBJECTIVE: One or two burr-hole craniostomy with subgaleal or subdural drainage system with irrigation are the most common methods for surgical treatment of CSDH. The aim of this study is to compare the advantages or disadvantages between these techniques for CSDH.
METHODS: Seventy patients were treated by burr-hole subdural drainage or subgaleal drainage system with irrigation. Our patients were classified into two groups according to the operative procedure. Group I, one or two burr- hole craniostomy with subgaleal closed system drainage with irrigation (n=36), group II, one or two burr-hole craniostomy with subdural closed drainage system with irrigation(n=38). We compared male and female ratio, complication rate, age distribution.
RESULTS: There was no remarkable difference between recurrence rates of the two groups. Recurrence rate was %6.25 in group I and %7.8 group II. Subdural ampyema was occurred in one of the patients in group II. Symptomatic pneumocephalus wasn’t occur in patients. Four patients were reoperated for recurrence at on average 12-20 days after the operation with the same methods.
CONCLUSION: Both of the techniques have a higher cure rate and a lower risk of recurrence. However, subgaleal drainage system is relatively less invasive, safe,technical easy. So it applicable to aged and higher risk patients.

6. Obstetric and neonatal outcomes of adolescent pregnancy
Tuncay Yüce, Seda Şahin Aker, Mehmet Murat Seval, Erkan Kalafat, Feride Söylemez
PMID: 28058352  PMCID: PMC5175089  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.86158  Pages 122 - 127
INTRODUCTION: OBJECTIVE: To study effects of adolescence on maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancies conceived during that period.
METHODS: A secondary analysis of medical records were performed. All women who delivered below age of 18 were included in analysis. Anemia, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, early membrane rupture, cesarean, and instrumental birth rates were investigated.
RESULTS: Between years 2007 and 2014, 341 deliveries to adolescent mothers were included in the analysis. Anemia rates were 35.4%, preeclampsia rates were 1.45%, intrauterine growth retardation rates were 3.81%, early membrane rupture rates were 1.4%, cesarean rates were 29.04%, instrumental delivery rates were 0.3% in our study group.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: CONCLUSION: Our results indicate adolescent pregnancies are not necessarily associated with poorer outcome compared to mothers delivering above age of 18. Preeclampsia rates were lower compared to background rates and anemia rates were higher compared to background rates. As long as proper antenatal surveillance is employed, adolescent mothers does not seem to have increased risk for most of obstetric complications.

7. The impact of Integrated Obstetric and Neonatal Services on Maternal Postpartum Health Care Services Utilization
Fisun Vural, Filiz Yıldırım, Birol Vural
PMID: 28058353  PMCID: PMC5175090  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.23865  Pages 128 - 135
INTRODUCTION: Postnatal care is an important issue in maintaining and promoting maternal and neonatal health. However, maternal postpartum service utilization is low in many countries. This study was aimed to investigate the impact of integrated obstetric and neonatal services on postnatal health care service utilization rates of mothers.
METHODS: This study designed among deliveries at Gölcük State Hospital Maternity Unit,Kocaeli between 2010 to 2013. All mothers offered postnatal care clinic (PNC) for newborn hearing test (NHT) screenings, neonatal and maternal care within two weeks after delivery. A total of 4193 deliveries included in the study. The deliveries of integrated services (n=3093) compared to deliveries before integration (n=1100) for postnatal service utilization rates.
RESULTS: The neonatal examination, NHT and maternal service utilization significantly increased after integrated services (p<0.0001). Especially maternal service utilization increased from 34% to 99 %.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The study found that the integration of newborn and mother health care services as a unit increased the utilization of PNC services.

8. Detection of anti- DNase B antibody upper normal values in children's age groups who were admitted to hospital with noninfectious reasons
Servet Delice, Rıza Adaleti, Simin Cevan, Pınar Alagöz, Aynur Bedel, Çağatay Nuhoğlu, Sebahat Aksaray
PMID: 28058354  PMCID: PMC5175091  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.39358  Pages 136 - 141
INTRODUCTION: Anti-Streptolysin O (ASO) and Anti-DNaseB (ADB) are used for diagnosis of poststreptococcal complications. Normal values of ASO and ADB titers ranges vary, depending on age, population and different time intervals. Although there are more studies done for determining the upper limit of normal ASO titer in our country, there are stil few studies for ADB. In our study we aimed to determine the upper limit of normal ADB antibody titer in children aged 5-15.
METHODS: One hundred and twenty one children with noninfectious reasons aged from 5 to 15 who were admitted to our outpatient clinic of Haydarpaşa Numune Education and Research Hospital between November 2013 and March 2014 were included in the study. Patients were searched for following criteria; no streptococcal infection observation in last three months in physical examination and/or no growth of group A, C, and G of beta-haemolytic streptococci in throat culture, ASO and C reactive protein (CRP) levels being in the normal ranges. All serum samples were performed collectively by nephelometric method. The upper limit of normal value for anti-DNase B has been defined by separating the upper 20% from the lower 80% of all measurements.
RESULTS: Anti-DNase B antibody levels are found between 50-576 IU/ml and the upper limit is found as 219.2. When analyzed according to age groups, anti-DNase B antibody levels in the group aged between 5 to 10 years are ranged between 50- 576 IU/ml and the upper limit is found as 212.2 IU/ml, anti-DNase B antibody levels in the group aged between 10 to 15 years are ranged between 50-408 IU/ml and the upper limit is found as 231.2 (p=0.008).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: ADB antibody upper normal values show variability with age in our results. Therefore national reference values should be detected by more comprehensive studies.

9. The Bırth Satısfactıon Scale: Turkısh Adaptatıon, Valıdatıon And Relıabılıty Study
Fatma Çoşar Çetin, Ayşe Sezer, Yeliz Doğan Merih
PMID: 28058355  PMCID: PMC5175092  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.40412  Pages 142 - 150
INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study is to investigate the validity and the reliability of Birth Satisfaction Scale (BSS) and to adapt it into the Turkish language. This scale is used for measuring maternal satisfaction with birth in order to evaluate women’s birth perceptions.
METHODS: In this study there were 150 women who inpatient postpartum clinic. The participants filled in an information form and the BSS. The measurement properties were tested by conducting reliability and validation analyses.
RESULTS: BSS entails 30 Likert questions. It was developed by Hollins Martin and Fleming. Taken from the scale scores ranged from 30-150 points. The higher scores from the scale, mean increases birth satisfaction. Three overarching themes were identified in Scale: service provision (home assessment, birth environment, support, relationships with health care professionals); personal attributes (ability to cope during labour, feeling in control, childbirth preparation, relationship with baby); and stress experienced during labour (distress, obstetric injuries, receiving sufficient medical care, obstetric intervention, pain, long labour and baby’s health). Cronbach’s alfa coefficient was 0,62.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: According to the present study, BSS entails 30 likert questions and evaluate women’s birth perceptions. The Turkish version of BSS has been proven to be a valid and a reliable scale.

10. Penetrating Gunshot Injury; A Case Image
Adnan Kaya, Emine Caliskan, Ahmet Oz, Muhammet Keskin
PMID: 28058356  PMCID: PMC5175093  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.78941  Page 151
Penetrating gunshot injury is rare to be seen but it is a life threatening condition whenever it is present. First stabilization of the patient’s vital signs with saline infusion, compression of bleeding sides should be provided. And then transfer to an advanced life support facilities must be the second step. Here we present a 17-years-old female patient who had a penetrating gunshot injury during the ongoing war in Kobani, Syria. The first aid was performed successfully in the field and the patient was admitted to our emergency department with good vital signs. She had a blood pressure of 112/65 mmHg, a pulse rate of 97 bpm, a body temperature of 36.4°C and a respiration of 19 for minute. On the physical examination there was a large scale of bullet entry wound on left breast without any exit wound. The thoraco-abdominal computerized tomography revealed multiple missiles in breast (Figure-1A), one in liver (Figure-1B) and one in the left ventricle (Figure-1C) with left pleural bleeding. Abdominal ultrasonography showed abdominal fluid which was attributed to trauma to liver. Trans-thoracic echocardiography revealed normal left ventricle ejection fraction and valve functions without any pericardial effusion. The patient was referred a tertiary hospital for multidisciplinary approach. There the patient has undergone a successful liver repair operation and tube drainage of pleura. Resection of the missiles from the breast was also performed. Continuous echocardiography was performed for evaluation of cardiac performance and pericardial effusion. Luckily there were no need for cardiac surgery and the patient was discharged without any disability. By presenting this case image we would like to remind a very rare condition; penetration gunshot injury and the management of it. Multidisciplinary approach to casualties like this is crucial for keeping the patients alive.

11. Primary Subcutaneous Cyst Hydatid In The Abdominal Wall: A Case Report
Mehmet Gülmez, Aysun Şimşek Çelik, Sevcan Alkan, Buğu Usanma Koban, Rümeysa Soyalan Önal, Mehmet Ali Uzun
PMID: 28058357  PMCID: PMC5175094  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.58066  Pages 152 - 154
Introduction: Human body is an intermediate host for Echinococcus Granulosus which is a cestode causing hydatid disease. The most common type is E. Granulosus. E. Granulosus is most often involving the liver and the lung. Primary subcutaneous cyst hydatid without involving other organs is extremely rare.
Case presentation: A 60 year old Turkish woman came to our hospital with a growing mass in the left paraumblical abdominal wall. In the superficial tissue ultrasonography 3×2 cm cystic mass was detected in the subcutaneous tissue of left paraumblikal abdominal wall and it was doubtful for hydatid cyst. The patient had no history of surgery for a hydatid cyst in other organ and the hydatid serology was negative. The cyst was surgically excised carefully. The macroscopic exploration suggested a hydatid cyst with its germinative membrane and the histopathological examination of the specimen was reported as a hydatid cyst.
Conclusion: Hydatid cyst should be considered when a subcutaneous cytic mass is determined in a patient living in the region where the disease is endemic. The best treatment is the completely removal of the cysts.

12. A Rare Cause of Pleural Effusion: Adult Onset Still’s Disease
Soner Demirbaş, Orkide Kutlu, Bahar Kandemir, Abdullah Sakin
PMID: 28058358  PMCID: PMC5175095  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.04696  Pages 155 - 158
Adult onset Still's disease is a rare systemic inflammatory disorder. The onset of disease is with pharyngitis, which do not respond to antibiotics, one or two times fever peak, marked salmon colored rash on the trunk and extremities, arthralgia, arthritis, myalgia, fatigue, loss of appetite with nausea and weight loss; hepatosplenomegaly and lymphadenopathy can be seen; in laboratory examinations ferritin and other acute phase reactants distinctly heigh, neutrophilic leukocytosis, ANA and RF negativity is determined. Pleural and pericardial effusions and transient pulmonary infiltation rarely myocaritis can be seen in the course of the disease. Here we report a patient who examined for fever of unknown origin and diagnosed with adult onset Still's disease which is a rare etiology of pleural effusion.

13. A Case Of Psoriasis Vulgaris With Pulmoner Fibrosis Secondary To Methotrexate
Ayşe Serap Karadağ, Asiye Kanbay, Emin Özlü, Tuğba Kevser Uzunçakmak, Canan Gedik, Necmettin Akdeniz
PMID: 28058359  PMCID: PMC5175096  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.97759  Pages 159 - 161
Methotrexate is the folic acid analogue drug that used in various dermatological disorders, especially in psoriasis. Cutaneous and systemic side effects can be seen during methotrexate treatment. A 58 year old female patient presented with persistent cough last one month. The patients past medical history was remarkable for psoriasis, for which she was on follow up for the last 14 years and received systemic methotrexate (12.5 mg/ week) within the last eight months. The patient was referred to pulmonology for persistent cough. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest revealed pleural thickenning on the left lung, interlobular septal thickenning on the right lung and frosted glass areas in both lungs. Methotrexate induced pulmonary toxicity was considered and lung biopsy and bronchoscopy was performed to patient. The patient was diagnosed with methotrexate induced pulmonary toxicity based on the clinical, radiological and histopathological findings. Methotrexate treatment was stopped and a therapy with systemic corticosteroid 32 mg/day was initiated. Significant improvement was observed clinically and radiologically after one month of therapy. Methotrexate is a toxic drug to the lungs, but this condition is not common. All patients prescribed MTX should be advised for lung toxicity and to report the development of respiratory symptoms to their physician.

14. A rare malignancy in a patient with neurofibromatosis: Gastric adenocarcinoma.
Bora Barut, Volkan İnce, Fatih Özdemir, Murat Harputluoğlu, Burak Işık
PMID: 28058360  PMCID: PMC5175097  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.33042  Pages 162 - 164
Neurofibromatosis is a autosomal dominant disease that characterized by cutaneous hyperpigmentation and multiple neurofibromas and often accompanied by localized peripheral and central neural tumors. Gastrointestinal involvement is seen in % 25 of cases. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors, pancreatic and duodenal neuroendocrine tumors are the most common tumors in neurofibromatosis patients. Neurofibromatosis and gastric adenocarcinoma is an extremely rare combination.İn this case we aim to present a patient with neurofibromatosis opereted due to gastric adenocancer.

15. Concomitance of diabetic neuropathic amyotrophy and cachexia: A case report with review of the literature
Tuba Tülay Koca
PMID: 28058361  PMCID: PMC5175098  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.52523  Pages 165 - 170
İntroduction: Diabetic amyotrophy is a rare condition in which patients develop severe aching or burning pain in hips and thighs. This is followed by weakness and wasting of the muscles in proximal lower extremities, which often occurs asymmetrically. Diabetic neuropathic cachexia is a different type of diabetic neuropathies. İt consist of intense pain in affected extremities accompained with anorexia, weight loss as well as mood and sleep disturbances.

Case: A 42-year-old woman, a known worse glysemic controlled type 2 diabetic, presented with loss of appetite, loss of weight (approximately 15 kg), severe burning sensation over her lower limbs, depression and sleep disturbances for 3 months. Symmetric wasting was noted in her proximal lower extremities with bilateral muscle weakness. Her patella and achill reflexes were absent with decrease in her upper extremity reflexes. We evaluated the patient as diabetic amyotrophy and diabetic neuropathic cachexia with clinical signs, electrophysiological and radiological examination.

Conclusion: Physicians should take into consideration these rare complications of diabetes mellitus showing different characteristics beyond other types of neuropathies.

16. An unusual cause of acute abdomen – epiploic appendagitis: report of two cases
Buşra Burcu, Özgür Ekinci, İbrahim İnan, Ferman Tevfik Özyalvaç, Turgut Tunç Eren, Orhan Alimoğlu
PMID: 28058362  PMCID: PMC5175099  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.25338  Pages 171 - 174
Epiploic appendages, first described in 1543 by Vesalius, are fatty structures which are attached through the length of the colon and consisted by visceral peritoneum.Epiploic appendages is an uncommon and self-limiting disease. In this report, we aimed to present two patients with epiploic appendagitis.

17. Synthetic cannabinoids and Renal Injury
Alper Alp
PMID: 28058363  PMCID: PMC5175100  doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.82246  Pages 175 - 176
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