1. | An overlooked risk for healthcare workers amid COVID-19: Occupational hand eczema Velat Celik, Mehmet Yasar Ozkars PMID: 33381690 PMCID: PMC7754862 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.45722 Pages 527 - 533 OBJECTIVE: Hand hygiene, one of the most critical preventive methods against Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) cross-transmission, has increased during the COVID-19 outbreak. The present study aims to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of hand eczema (HE) and associated symptoms in healthcare workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 outbreak. METHODS: We distributed a self-administered online survey to physicians and nurses in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. The survey included questions about HE-associated symptoms and risk factors before and during the pandemic. RESULTS: Five hundred sixty-four individuals (349 physicians and 215 nurses) answered the survey. Post-COVID-19, the prevalence of HE increased from 6.6% to 11.7% and the prevalence of HE-associated symptoms increased from 39.5% to 79.3%. Female gender (odds ratio [OR]: 3.92; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.12–7.25), a history of atopic diseases (OR: 1.7; 95%CI: 1.03–2.8), more frequent handwashing (OR: 1.03; 95%CI: 1.01–1.05), and more frequent use of moisturizers (OR: 1.12; 95%CI: 1.01–1.24) were independently associated with the risk of HE-associated symptoms. CONCLUSION: Because of increased handwashing during the COVID-19 outbreak, there is a significant increase in HE-associated symptoms in HCWs. Proper education and preventive strategies for HE are urgently needed for HCWs fighting on the front lines of COVID-19. |
2. | The urine foaming test in COVID-19 as a useful tool in diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up: Preliminary results Mehmet Serhan Kurtulmus, Cemal Kazezoglu, Busra Cakiroglu, Habip Yilmaz, Abdullah Emre Guner PMID: 33381691 PMCID: PMC7754871 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.42027 Pages 534 - 540 OBJECTIVE: We aimed to develop a simple, rapid urine test based on the level of foaming that occurs in the urine sample due to the excretion of peptide structures containing amino acids specific to the antigenic structure of COVID-19. In this study, we present the preliminary results of the first clinical study with a newly developed urine foaming test (UFT). METHODS: This study was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Istanbul. After obtaining the approval of the ethics committee, urine samples were taken from three groups of patients whose informed consent was obtained. The groups were created according to the COVID-19 Diagnostic Guide of Ministry of Health: A: outpatients with suspected COVID-19, B: inpatients for follow-up and treatment, C: patients treated in intensive care unit (ICU). Also, 30 healthy volunteers were included as the control group D. Urine samples taken from all groups were delivered to the laboratory. 2.5 ml urine sample was added to the test tube and shaken for 15 seconds and the level of foam formed was visually evaluated according to the color scale. Other data of the patients were obtained from the hospital information management system and the physician caring for the patient. The clinical status, PCR test results, computed tomography (CT), if any, laboratory tests, and UFT results were compared and the level of statistical significance was expressed as p≤0.05 in the 95% confidence intervals (CI). Performance characteristics, such as sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of the UFT, were statistically calculated according to the RT-PCR result and/or CT. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was observed between UFT distributions of the control, outpatient, inpatient and ICU patients (p=0.0001). The results of UFT orange and red in inpatients and ICU patients were statistically significantly higher than in the control and outpatient groups. The diagnostic accuracy of UFT was detected in all group, the pooled sensitivity was 92% (95% CI: 87–95%) and specificity was 89% (95%CI: 80–98%). CONCLUSION: Our preliminary results suggest that the UFT is useful, particularly in predicting the clinical severity of COVID-19. The UFT could be recommended as a point of care test, rapid and non-invasive method in the diagnosis and follow-up of COVID-19. |
3. | Comparison of effects of high and low dose paracetamol treatment and toxicity on brain and liver in rats Ersoy Oksuz, Semih Yasar, Remzi Erten, Okan Arihan, Gokhan Oto PMID: 33381692 PMCID: PMC7754870 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.54926 Pages 541 - 550 OBJECTIVE: Paracetamol is thought that it acts by inhibiting the central cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme; its mechanism of action is still not fully explained. Although its most important side effect is hepatoxicity, it is thought to cause toxicity on the brain in recent years. The present study aims to investigate the treatment and toxic effects of low and high doses of paracetamol on the liver and brain. METHODS: Wistar-albino rats were used in this study. At doses of 20–500 mg/kg, paracetamol was administered intraperitoneally once a day for one and three days. The brain and liver were used for immunohistochemical evaluation using COX-3, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and caspase 3 antibodies and for total antioxidant (TAS), total oxidant (TOS) and oxidative stress index (OSI) measurements. Results were evaluated using the Kruskal Wallis test (SPSS ver.24). RESULTS: The liver COX-3 levels were significantly lower in both groups with higher doses (p<0.05). In the brain, there was no statistically significant difference in COX-3 levels between the groups. There was no statistically significant difference in PGE2 levels in the liver and brain between the groups (p>0.05). The caspase 3 level in the liver was statistically significantly higher in the low dose group compared to the other groups (p<0.05). In both liver and brain, OSI values were significantly higher in the 3-day high-dose group compared to others (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in ALT and AST values (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The results of our study show that paracetamol inhibits the COX-3 enzyme in the liver but has no effect in the brain, and COX-3 does not have an effect on PGE2. Paracetamol causes apoptosis in the liver only in low doses; higher doses may cause toxicity by increasing oxidative stress, especially in the brain. |
4. | Increased prevalence of pelvic venous congestion sign on sacroiliac MRI in women with clinically suspected sacroiliitis Ahmet Peker, Gozde Tokatli, Ali Balci, Isil Basara Akın, Canan Altay, Gercek Can PMID: 33381693 PMCID: PMC7754859 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.48030 Pages 551 - 556 OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of pelvic venous congestion (PVC) sign on sacroiliac and hip MRI in women of reproductive age as a possible cause of pain mimicking sacroiliitis. METHODS: This retrospective study included 727 MRI examinations (401 sacroiliac joint MRI and 326 hip joint MRI) that were performed between January 2010 and December 2017. Images were evaluated for the presence of sacroiliitis, presence of PVC sign and presence of other incidental findings of musculoskeletal and genitourinary disorders. After removing patients with other musculoskeletal and genitourinary disorders that may cause pain (n=188), remaining 539 (322 sacroiliac and 217 hip), MRI examinations were re-analyzed for the presence of PVC sign. RESULTS: Four hundred one patients with sacroiliac MRI examination had 120 (29.9%) PVC sign and 326 patients with hip MRI examinations had 54 (16.6%) PVC sign (p<0.001). After removing patients with other musculoskeletal and genitourinary disorders that may cause pain, 322 patients with sacroiliac MRI had 102 (31.7%) PVC sign and 217 patients with hip MRI examinations had 38 (17.5%) PVC sign (p<0.001). No significant difference was found between patients with acute sacroiliitis and patients without acute sacroiliitis concerning PVC prevalence (p>0.05). There were also no significant differences between other comparable incidental findings. CONCLUSION: Significantly increased PVC prevalence in sacroiliac MRI exams may be attributable to PCS simulating clinical sacroiliitis. |
5. | Life quality and empathy in children with celiac disease Ayse Tolunay Oflu, Aysegul Bukulmez, Erdem Içigen, Lutfi Molon, Tugba Koca, Yunus Emre Avsar PMID: 33381694 PMCID: PMC7754876 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.75735 Pages 557 - 562 OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the associations between celiac disease (CD) and children’s life quality and empathy level. METHODS: In this study, all participants aged 8–14 years completed the Turkish version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory and Index of Empathy for Children and Adolescents. Parents were also applied to the structured survey. RESULTS: This study included a study group consisting of 45 children with celiac disease and a control group with 48 healthy children. The total scores of PedsQL were significantly lower for children with celiac disease when compared to the control group (p<0.05). When the sub-scores of PedsQL were evaluated, scores except the school functioning score (ScFS) were significantly lower in the study group (p<0.05). When IECA was analyzed, total empathy scale scores (TESS) were measured significantly higher in the study group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: This study supports the argument that the quality of life decreases in children with CD. Future studies should aim to develop support models to improve the life quality of celiac patients. To our knowledge, this is the first study proving the increased empathy levels of children with CD. The determinants of the increased empathy levels should be focussed on future studies. |
6. | Associations between cytokine gene polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis in Turkish population Burcu Yucel, Ceren Sumer, Ilhami Gok, Murat Karkucak, Emel Alemdaroglu, Fahri Ucar PMID: 33381695 PMCID: PMC7754868 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.70845 Pages 563 - 571 OBJECTIVE: Various cytokine polymorphisms have been associated with genetic risk factors predisposing to Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in different populations. To predict the clinical outcome as well as response to therapy in RA, studies aimed to describe genetic markers. The present study aims to search for polymorphisms of 13 cytokine coding genes in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. METHODS: DNAs of 49 patients and 96 healthy bone marrow and kidney donors were isolated from peripheral blood samples. Genotyping was performed using the Heidelberg Cytokine Typing Tray kit. PCR products were visualized on an agarose gel, and results were analyzed using the interpretation scheme provided with the kit. Arlequin 3.5 software was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: No positive association was found between allele frequencies and the disease. However, a negative association was found for the IL-A -889 C allele (p=0.02, OR=0.533, Wald’s 95% CI=0.318–0.893). IL-12 -1188 CC (p=0.01, OR=3.667, Wald’s 95% CI=1.246–10.786), IL-4 -1098 GT (p=0.02, OR=2.405, Wald’s 95% CI=1.129–5.125) genotypes were found positively associated with the RA, while IL-4 -590 CT (p=0.02, OR=0.422, Wald’s 95% CI=0.201–0.886) was found negatively associated with the disease. In addition, IL-6 GG haplotype was found positively associated with the RA (p=0.02, OR=1.880, Wald’s 95% CI=1.086–3.254). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that some polymorphisms of the IL-1A, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-12 could be responsible for the susceptibility or protective to RA in our study population. Multi-centered and large numbers of subjects containing studies that search for cytokine polymorphisms will gather more information regarding the susceptibility to RA of Turkish patients. |
7. | Retrospective evaluation of the effects of sugammadex and neostigmine on the IgE and eosinophil cationic protein in morbid obese patients Ozkan Gorgulu, Mehmet Nuri Kosar PMID: 33381696 PMCID: PMC7754875 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.21298 Pages 572 - 578 OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to show that allergic reactions with gamma cyclodextrin-related caused by sugammadex are not anaphylaxis but an anaphylactoid reaction. METHODS: In this retrospective study, 83 morbidly obese patients, who underwent elective laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy operation, were included. Patient data were obtained from patient files and electronic health records system (SARUS). The patients were divided into two groups as sugammadex (Group S) and neostigmine (Group N). Patient data were recorded, including patient preoperative demographics (age, gender) and preoperative and postoperative (12 hours later) levels of total IgE and ECP (Eosinophil cationic protein) levels. RESULTS: There was not a significant change in the total IgE levels in Group S or Group N (p>0.05); however, the levels of ECP significantly decreased in both groups (p<0.001, p=0.01). In the patients in Group S, the preoperative levels of total IgE were significantly positively, and weakly correlated with the preoperative ECP (p=0.311, p=0.045) and postoperative ECP (p=0.310, p=0.046) levels. CONCLUSION: Allergic reactions that arise from sugammadex related with gamma-cyclodextrin are non-IgE mediated anaphylactoid reactions. Anaphylactoid reaction was not observed after administration of 2 mg kg-1 sugammadex intravenously in patients with morbid obesity. |
8. | Comparison of success between external and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction in Turkish cohort Bugra Karasu, Gulunay Kiray, Erdem Eris, Irfan Perente, Ali Riza Cenk Celebi PMID: 33381697 PMCID: PMC7754864 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.06888 Pages 579 - 584 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results and recurrence rates of external and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery in patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (PANDO) in Turkish Cohort. METHODS: Medical records were reviewed in all patients who underwent surgery for PANDO between January 2010 and September 2014 in a tertiary university hospital retrospectively. The patients were followed up on the first day, first month, third month and sixth month postoperatively. Lacrimal drainage system and recurrence rates were recorded. RESULTS: This study was conducted in 81 patients, 27 of whom were men (33.3%) and 54 were women (66.7%). The mean follow-up time was 30.13±16.42 months (range 6–62 months). The mean age was 50.51±12.47 years (range 16 to 77 years). External DCR was used in 44 (66.7%) of the cases and endonasal DCR was used in 37 (45.7%) of the cases. Surgical results of DCR were divided into three groups based on the integrity and openness of the lacrimal drainage pathway in all PANDO patients. Operation success rates of these data revealed that 45 (55.6%) cases were recorded as successful, 20 (24.7%) of the cases were accepted as partially successful and 16 (19.8%) of the cases were deemed as unsuccessful. Based on these data, surgical success rates were found in 38 (86.4%) patients in external DCR and 27 (73%) patients in endonasal DCR. Surgical failure rates were six (13.6%) in external DCR and 10 (27%) in endonasal DCR. There was no statistically significant difference between success rates and recurrences in both groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Endoscopic DCR produced simple, minimally invasive and preferable results compared to external DCR in the Turkish population. Although the success of external DCR is higher and the recurrence is lower than endoscopic DCR, with the outcomes of this study, endoscopic DCR can be tried as the first choice to protect the patient from major surgery and anesthesia in PANDO. |
9. | Impacts of combined osteopenia/osteoporosis and sarcopenia on balance and quality of life in older adults Raikan Buyukavci, Semra Akturk, Bahri Evren, Yuksel Ersoy PMID: 33381698 PMCID: PMC7754869 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.28003 Pages 585 - 590 OBJECTIVE: Combined osteopenia/osteoporosis and sarcopenia is a major public health problem for old adults. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the impacts of combined osteopenia/osteoporosis with sarcopenia on balance and quality of life in patients older than 65 years. METHODS: In this sudy, 77 patients with sarcopenia, who were older than 65 years, were included. The diagnosis of sarcopenia was made according to the diagnostic criteria developed by The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP). Bone densitometry was performed to screen for osteoporosis or osteopenia. The balance was assessed with the anterior-posterior stability index (APSI), medial-lateral stability index (MLSI), and the general stability index (OSI), which were calculated using a Biodex Stability System device (BSS). The quality of life was assessed using SF-36. RESULTS: Patients with sarcopenia were included in this study. Of them, 40 had osteoporosis and 37 had osteopenia. The measures of balance and the OSI, APSI, and MLSI values were low in both groups of patients, but they were statistically significantly lower in the sarcopenia with osteoporosis group compared to the sarcopenia with osteopenia group (p=0.01; p=0.002; p=0.04, respectively). The quality of life was lower in all sub-categories of SF-36, excluding the mental health when sarcopenia was accompanied by osteoporosis compared to the joint occurrence of sarcopenia with osteopenia (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that the joint occurrence of osteoporosis with sarcopenia is associated with a risk of balance loss, a decrease in quality of life, and a potentially increased fracture risk in older adults. |
10. | Evaluation of the thicknesses of cartilage and enthesis in familial Mediterranean fever and enthesitis-related arthritis Aysenur Pac Kisaarslan, Betul Sozeri, Nihal Sahin, Sumeyra Ozdemir Cicek, Zubeyde Gunduz, Hakan Poyrazoglu, Ruhan Dusunsel PMID: 33381699 PMCID: PMC7754861 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.54037 Pages 591 - 596 OBJECTIVE: Subclinical inflammation is still a controversial issue in inflammatory diseases. There is no reliable, easy, and cheap inflammation marker in daily clinical practices currently. This study aims to predict clinical remission using cartilage and tendon thicknesses. METHODS: Eleven patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) who had musculoskeletal involvement before and 11 patients with Enthesitis-Related Arthritis (ERA) were included in this study. They were on remission with clinical and laboratory evaluations for at least three months. Demographic and clinical features of the subjects, including age, sex, body mass index, disease duration, age at onset, medical treatment, and laboratory evaluations, were all noted. Healthy children of the same age were included as the control group. The thicknesses of the bilateral knee, second metacarpophalangeal and ankle joints cartilages, quadriceps, superior and inferior patellar, and the Achilles tendons were measured with a linear probe. A total of 198 joint and 264 tendon thicknesses were measured. RESULTS: The thicknesses of metacarpophalangeal, knee, and ankle cartilages were higher in the FMF group than in the others. In the FMF group, the quadriceps tendon thickness was higher than in the ERA group, and the superior patellar tendon thickness was higher than in the control group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: According to our preliminary findings, an increased thickness of the cartilage and tendon in FMF patients may be an indicator of subclinical inflammation. Increased thickness of the enthesis in FMF patients may also indicate that enthesitis-related arthritis will also develop in the future. |
11. | A retrospective analysis of pemphigus vulgaris patients: Demographics, diagnosis, co-morbid diseases and treatment modalities used Ozge Askin, Defne Ozkoca, Zekayi Kutlubay, Mehmet Cem Mat PMID: 33381700 PMCID: PMC7754874 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.37039 Pages 597 - 602 OBJECTIVE: Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune blistering disease affecting the mucosal surfaces as well as the skin. Twenty-eight retrospective studies about the epidemiologic data of pemphigus vulgaris patients have been performed previously in the literature. METHODS: In this retrospective study, we evaluated 320 pemphigus vulgaris patients who applied to the bullous diseases clinic of Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, between the years 1999–2019. Epidemiologic data, diagnostic modalities, comorbidities and treatment modalities were noted. RESULTS: The female to male ratio was 1.39. The mean age of diagnosis was 50.4±13.7 years, 50.8±12.5 years for males and 50.0±14.5 years for females. The average disease duration was 99.0±74.4 months; it was 91.6±67.2 months for males and 104.5±79.0 months for females. At the time of diagnosis, 88.7% of our patients had mucosal lesions and 68.4% of our patients had cutaneous lesions. The most common side effects were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and hyperlipidemia. Adjuvant therapy was initiated 332 times. Azathioprine was used in 260 patients,Mycophenolate sodium was used in 30 patients, Mycophenolate mofetil was used in 42 patients, IVIG was used in 52 patients, Rituximab was used in 51 patients. CONCLUSION: Pemphigus vulgaris is a disease that is more commonly seen in female patients. It has a peak incidence in the fifth decade and there is not a statistically significant difference between the age of diagnosis between the genders. It is a chronic disease with a long follow-up period; again, there no statistically significant difference between the two genders. The most commonly encountered comorbidities are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis, which are due to the use of corticosteroids. |
12. | Low back pain in children and adolescents: Real life experience of 106 patients Ozge Gulsum Illeez, Pinar Akpinar, Fatma Esra Bahadir Ulger, Feyza Unlu Ozkan, Ilknur Aktas PMID: 33381701 PMCID: PMC7754872 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.93824 Pages 603 - 608 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the demographic data, etiologies and risk factors of 106 children and adolescents with low back pain (LBP) who applied to our clinic. METHODS: The medical records of patients with low back pain under 18 presenting to our clinic in 2014–2018 were examined retrospectively. Patients’ demographic data, physical examination findings, laboratory and imaging results, and risk factors for low back pain were evaluated; diagnosis and treatment modalities were recorded. RESULTS: In this study, 106 children and adolescents 8–17 (mean 14.24±2.33) years, 55 girls (51.8%) and 51 boys (48.1%) were included. Sixty-two patients (58.4%) were diagnosed with non-specific low back pain, 24 (22.6%) with lumbar disc herniation, six (5.6%) with inflammatory low back pain, five (4.7%) with spondylolysis (with accompanying listhesis in two), five (4.7%) with scoliosis, and four (3.7%) with Scheuermann Disease. Three patients were operated and another patient underwent an algological intervention for persistent pain. Six patients diagnosed as spondyloarthropathy were referred to the pediatric rheumatology department. Pain in the remaining cases was brought under control using conservative methods in a combination of medical treatment, rest and physiotherapy. CONCLUSION: Low back pain is a frequent complaint in the child-adolescent age group. The causes of low back pain are as diverse as adults in this age group. The contrary common belief that severe problems, such as malignancy are common, mechanical reasons as the most common cause of low back pain. |
13. | Does using different entrance points for intramedullary nails affect clinical outcomes for femoral shaft fractures? A retrospective clinical comparative study Mehmet Salih Soylemez, Tayyar Taylan Oz PMID: 33381702 PMCID: PMC7754867 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.08058 Pages 609 - 618 OBJECTIVE: We examined the clinical and radiological outcomes of femoral shaft fractures treated with two different intramedullary nail designs using either greater trochanteric or trochanteric fossa entrance. METHODS: The medical records of patients undergoing operations for a shaft fracture either with a nail with trochanteric entrance or trochanteric fossa entrance were retrospectively reviewed. Inclusion criteria were: having the necessary medical records including radiographic images and follow-up data, at least 12 months of follow-up, skeletal maturity (≥16 years of age) not having osteoporosis (≤60 years of age). Exclusion criteria were: pathological fractures, fragility fractures, fractures that extend to hip or knee joint capsule, lack of enough medical data, less than 12 months of follow up, and patients yet to reach skeletal maturity. RESULTS: A total of 65 patients (67 femur fractures) were treated with intramedullary nails using a trochanteric fossa entrance (TFE) and 21 patients (23 femur fractures) were treated with nails using a greater trochanteric entrance (GTE). No statistically significant differences were evident between groups in terms of union time, blood loss, need for implant removal, implant failure, or revision operation. However, the duration of postoperative hospitalization was significantly shorter in the GTE nail group and the need for open reduction of the fracture was less common in these patients. Although there were no significant differences between groups in terms of complications and union among isthmal and infra-isthmal fractures, malreduction and iatrogenic fractures were more common with the use of GTE nails for treatment of supra-isthmal fractures. CONCLUSION: Use of intramedullary nails via both GTE and TFE were safe and efficient for the treatment of isthmal and infra-isthmal fractures. However, varus malalignments associated with iatrogenic fractures were more common with trochanteric entrance nails. Together, our results show that the use of nails via TFE may represent a safer option for surgical treatment of supra-isthmal fractures. |
14. | Atypical ‘de Winter pattern’ mimicking acute left main coronary artery lesion Muhammet Gurdogan, Kenan Yalta, Servet Altay, Utku Zeybey, Omer Ferudun Akkus PMID: 33381703 PMCID: PMC7754858 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.68790 Pages 619 - 620 NCI-2020-0018.R1 |
15. | Complex ventricular tachycardia coexistent with myocardial bridging Sinan Cersit, Mustafa Ozan Gursoy, Lutfi Ocal PMID: 33381704 PMCID: PMC7754873 doi: 10.14744/nci.2019.13549 Pages 621 - 623 Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia is rarely a concomitant condition with myocardial bridging for which no evidence-based medical management has yet been certainly described. Here, in this case study, we present a case of malignant ventricular arrhythmia that may be associated with the myocardial bridge on the coronary artery. The clinical management and medical treatment of the patient are discussed. |
16. | A rare tumor of the gallbladder: Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma Nuray Kepil, Ozan Akinci, Sebnem Batur, Abdullah Kagan Zengin PMID: 33381705 PMCID: PMC7754865 doi: 10.14744/nci.2019.26214 Pages 624 - 627 Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gallbladder is a rare, aggressive malignancy that does not yet have a standard treatment protocol. In this case report, we aimed to share our experience about a 74-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with the complaint of episodic abdominal pain and underwent cholecystectomy under elective conditions due to a polyp with a diameter of 4 cm visualized in the gallbladder on ultrasound and diagnosed with neuroendocrine carcinoma as a result of histopathological examination. |
17. | Systemic isotretinoin treatment in a renal transplant patient developing sebaceous hyperplasia due to cyclosporine Ceyda Caytemel, Filiz Topaloglu Demir, Esen Gul Uzuner, Zafer Turkoglu PMID: 33381706 PMCID: PMC7754860 doi: 10.14744/nci.2019.00087 Pages 628 - 630 Sebaceous hyperplasia (SH) is a benign tumor with telangiectasia on it, yellowish or skin-colored, with papulosis. Besides genetic factors, aging, ultraviolet rays, sex hormones, calcineurin inhibitors, such as cyclosporin, tacrolimus and systemic steroids, play a role in the development of sebaceous hyperplasia. Cyclosporin is widely used in organ transplant patients. Acne, keratosis pilaris, sebaceous hyperplasia and epidermoid cysts, which are rare side effects, are frequently seen in renal transplant patients and it is suggested that the pilosebaceous unit develops as a result of occlusion with keratinous material. It is thought that cyclosporine causes these side effects by increasing the secretion of sebum and 5-alpha reductase enzyme activity. In this case study, wepresent here a 36-year-old female patient who had been on cyclosporine treatment for 25 years and had a large number of yellowish, umblike papules on her face for 20 years. She had been diagnosed with cyclosporin triggered by clinical and histopathological findings. The patient was started on 40 mg/day (0.6 mg/kg/day) systemic isotretinoin treatment, and after two months treatment, the patient had almost complete regression of the lesions. Systemic isotretinoin is effective and easy to treat treatment for patients with multiple lesions, especially when compared to other treatments. In addition, all of the cases reported in the literature are male, and this report presents the first female transplant patient with SH, which is induced by cyclosporine use. |
18. | The relationship between coronary artery disease and SIRT1 protein Lutfu Askin, Hakan Tibilli, Okan Tanrıverdi, Serdar Turkmen PMID: 33381707 PMCID: PMC7754863 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.31391 Pages 631 - 635 Endothelial cell dysfunction proceeding with increased inflammation and monocyte increase is one of the main causes of vessel injury in CAD. SIRT1 (Sirtuin 1) protein plays an important role in the regulation of cellular physiological mechanisms. SIRT1 has roles in regulating angiogenesis and preventing endothelial dysfunction and reperfusion injury due to ischemia. Suppression of SIRT1 causes monocyte affinity due to endothelial dysfunction. Sirtuins activators are involved in pathologies of many diseases with promising treatments. The objective of this review is to summarize the current progress and future directions of sirtuin protein in the field of CAD. |
19. | Another perspective for COVID-19 pandemic: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and ethnicity Feride Irem Simsek, Nuray Colapkulu, Metin Leblebici, Orhan Alimoglu PMID: 33381708 PMCID: PMC7754866 doi: 10.14744/nci.2020.62144 Pages 636 - 638 NCI-2020-0208 |